You will also encounter the clock presented in this project in other chapters. Now, however, the focus is on drawing the clock and its hands.
Figure It's always later than you think …
The source code is structured in such a way that you can easily recognise the interaction of the individual procedures:
[1] ' Gambas class file [2] [3] Public Sub Form_Open() [4] FMain.Center [5] FMain.Resizable = False [6] lblDayOfWeek.Foreground = Color.DarkGray [7] [8] ' Analogue clock [9] Uhr.Delay = 1000 ' 1s-Takt [10] Uhr.Start() [11] Uhr.Trigger() [12] [13] lblDayOfWeek.Text = SetDayOfWeek() [14] ' Print System.FirstDayOfWeek '-- For control [15] [16] End [17] [18] '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [19] [20] Public Sub Draw_Uhr() '-- Draws the clock face and the three hands [21] Dim hZiffernblatt As Image [22] Dim x, y As Single [23] Dim iRadius As Integer [24] Dim Winkel As Float [25] Dim W, H As Float [26] Dim dNow As Date [27] Dim sTime As String [28] [29] W = dwTest.Width [30] H = dwTest.Height [31] [32] hZiffernblatt = Image.Load("Images/ziffernblatt.png") [33] Paint.DrawImage(hZiffernblatt, 0, 0, W, H) '-- Draws the clock face image [34] [35] iRadius = 90 ' Basis-Länge eines Zeigers [36] dNow = Now ' Aktuelle Zeit [37] [38] ' Hour hand [39] Winkel = Hour(dNow) * 30 - 90 + 0.5 * Minute(dNow) '-- Angle of the hour hand in degrees [40] x = (iRadius - 20) * Cos(Winkel * Pi / 180) '-- Coordiante x, conversion 1: angle in radians [41] y = (iRadius - 20) * Sin(Rad(Winkel)) '-- Coordiante y, conversion 2: Angle in radians [42] Zeichnen(x, y, Color.Blue, 5, W, H, sTime) '-- Coordiante y, conversion 2: Angle in radians [43] [44] ' Minute hand [45] Winkel = Minute(dNow) * 6 - 90 [46] x = (iRadius - 3) * Cos(Rad(Winkel)) [47] y = (iRadius - 3) * Sin(Rad(Winkel)) [48] Zeichnen(x, y, Color.Green, 3, W, H, sTime) [49] [50] ' Second hand [51] Winkel = Second(dNow) * 6 - 90 ' -90°, as the angle at 3 o'clock is 0° - reference axis! [52] x = iRadius * Cos(Rad(Winkel)) [53] y = iRadius * Sin(Rad(Winkel)) [54] Zeichnen(x, y, Color.Red, 1, W, H, sTime) [55] [56] End [57] [58] Private Function Zeichnen(x As Float, y As Float, hColor As Integer, iLW As Integer, W As Float, H As Float, sTime As String) As Integer [59] ' Draw pointer [60] Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(hColor) [61] Paint.LineWidth = iLW ' Zeiger-Breite [62] Paint.LineCap = Paint.LineCapRound [63] Paint.MoveTo(W / 2, H / 2) ' → Centre of the DrawingArea [64] Paint.RelLineTo(x, y) [65] Paint.Stroke() ' Draws a pointer [66] [67] ' Centre circle (black) [68] Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Black) [69] Paint.Arc(W / 2, H / 2, 8) ' Radius = 8 [70] Paint.Fill() [71] [72] ' Centre circle (white) [73] Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.White) [74] Paint.Arc(W / 2, H / 2, 6) ' Radius = 6 [75] Paint.Fill() [76] [77] ' Centre (rot) [78] Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Red) [79] Paint.Arc(W / 2, H / 2, 4) ' Radius = 4 [80] Paint.Fill() [81] [82] End [83] [84] Public Sub Uhr_Timer() ' Timer is called up every second [85] ' Redraws the current content of the DrawArea by calling dwTest_Draw() with .Refresh [86] dwTest.Refresh [87] If Hour(Now) = 23 And Minute(Now) = 59 And Second(Now) = 59 Then [88] SetDayOfWeek() [89] Endif [90] End [91] [92] Public Sub dwTest_Draw() [93] Draw_Uhr ' Recalculation and display of the hands [94] End [95] [96] Public Function SetDayOfWeek() As String [97] Dim aTagesListe As String[] [98] [99] ' Determination of weekday and (formatted) date [100] aTagesListe = Split("Sonntag,Montag,Dienstag,Mittwoch,Donnerstag,Freitag,Samstag", ",") [101] Return aTagesListe[WeekDay(Now())] & " - " & Format(Now, "dd. mmmm yyyy") [102] [103] End