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23.12 Component gb.poppler

The gb.pdf component is considered obsolete and has been replaced by the gb.poppler component, which uses the poppler library internally.

Please note that the gb.poppler component was still offered as 'unfinished' at the time of editing this chapter and that changes, improvements and additions are always to be expected.

The gb.poppler component allows you to use the following for a PDF document

  • to read out selected properties,
  • extract text (index and body text),
  • read existing page previews and
  • read and render the content.

23.12.1 Overview of the classes in the gb.poppler component:

Pdf The class provides 4 constants for search criteria in a PDF document. (Constants for the method PdfDocument[…].FindText(…))
PdfActionThis class represents the action associated with an index entry. As of version 3.19.0, this class allows the return of the index parameters text and type and the return of the page to which an index refers.
PdfDocumentThis class represents a PDF document. It enables its content to be read and rendered.
PdfIndexThis class represents the table of contents of a PDF document - if it exists.

Table : Class overview

23.12.2 Overview of virtual classes

.PdfPageThis virtual class represents a page in a PDF document.
.PdfDocumentIndexThis virtual class describes the index of a PDF document.
.PdfActionGotoThis virtual class describes what an action triggers for actions that target a different location in the PDF document. For example, the class allows the return of the page to which an index of the table of contents refers.
.PdfActionLaunchThis virtual class describes what the action triggers for actions that start another programme.
.PdfActionURIThis virtual class describes what the action triggers for actions that target an external URI.

Table : Overview of virtual classes

23.12.3 Overview of the Point/PointF and Rect/RectF classes

The four classes Point, PointF, Rect and RectF can be used to read the position of elements in a PDF document.

PointThis class describes a point with two integer coordinates.
PointFThis class describes a point whose coordinates are two floating point numbers.
RectThis class represents a rectangle with integer coordinates.
RectFThis class represents a rectangle whose coordinates are two floating point numbers.

Table : Overview of the Point and Rectangle classes

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k23/k23.12/start.txt · Last modified: 24.06.2024 by emma

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