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k24:k24.1:k24.1.5:start SerialPort class

The SerialPort class ( was developed to enable communication via a serial interface (usually an RS-232 interface). This class inherits from the stream class, so you can use standard streams to send and receive data and close the port. You can create the class.

Dim hSerialPort As SerialPort
hSerialPort = New SerialPort() As "RS232" '<-- Event name Constants

Bits11This constant is used if the serial interface has 1 stop bit.
Bits22This constant is used if the serial interface has 2 or 1.5 stop bits.
Bits55This constant is used if the serial interface has 5 data bits.
Bits66This constant is used if the serial interface has 6 data bits.
Bits77This constant is used if the serial interface has 7 data bits.
Bits88This constant is used if the serial interface has 8 data bits.
Both3This constant is used when the serial interface is to use both software and hardware flow control. This means that CRTSCTS plus XON/XOFF are used for flow control.
Hardware 1This constant is used when the serial port is to use hardware flow control. This means that RTS/CTS or RFR/CTS are used for flow control.
Software2This constant is used when the serial interface is to use software flow control. This means that the special control characters Xon (DC1, 11hex, 17dec) and Xoff (DC3, 13hex, 19dec) are used for flow control in the data stream.
None0This constant is used if the serial interface should not use parity or if the serial interface does not use flow control.
Even1This constant represents an even parity for the serial interface. You can set or read this value in the Parity property.
Odd2This constant stands for an odd parity of the serial interface. You can set or read this value in the Parity property.

Table Constants of the class SerialPort

The applicable constants from the Net class ( also apply. For example, the status property is set to Net.Active after successfully opening the serial port via SerialPort.Open(). Properties

The SerialPort class has these properties:

PropertyData typeDescription
BlockingBooleanReturns True if the stream is blocked or sets the value. If this property is set to True, reading from the stream is blocked if there is nothing to read and writing to the stream is blocked if, for example, the internal system buffer is full.
ByteOrder IntegerReturns or sets the byte order used to read or write binary data to the stream. The property can have the following values: gb.BigEndian = BigEndianByte order and gb.LittleEndian = LittleEndianByte order.
CTSBooleanReturns the current status of the signal “Clear To Send” of the serial interface. The value is False if the interface is closed.
DCDBooleanReturns the current status of the signal “Data Carrier Detect” of the serial interface. The value is False if the interface is closed.
DSRBooleanReturns the current status of the “Data Set Ready” signal of the serial interface. The value is False if the interface is closed.
RNGBooleanReturns the current status of the “Ring Indicator” signal of the serial interface. If the serial interface is closed and you read this property, False is returned.
DTRBooleanReturns or sets the current status of the “Data Terminal Ready” signal of the serial interface. This value cannot be set when the serial port is closed. If the serial interface is closed and you read this property, False is returned.
RTSBooleanReturns or sets the current status of the “Request To Send” signal of the serial interface. This value cannot be set when the serial port is closed. If the serial interface is closed and you read this property, False is returned.
DataBitsIntegerReturns or sets the number of data bits used by the serial interface. Use one of the following constants: SerialPort.Bits5, SerialPort.Bits6, SerialPort.Bits7 or SerialPort.Bits8.
StopBitsIntegerReturn or set the stop bits of the serial interface. Use one of the following constants: SerialPort.Bits1 or SerialPort.Bits2 Note: For 5-bit data width, setting 2 stop bits results in 1.5 stop bits!
ParityIntegerReturns or sets the current parity of the serial interface. Use one of the following constants: SerialPort.None, SerialPort.Odd or SerialPort.Even.
SpeedIntegerSet the communication speed in Baud. The value must be a valid default value supported by the serial interface driver (…, 4800, 9600,…). Be careful as some common speed values are allowed but not all serial interfaces (UART) support them!
FlowControlIntegerThe current data flow control of the serial interface is set or its value is read out. Use one of the following constants: SerialPort.None, SerialPort.Hardware, SerialPort.Software, or SerialPort.Both.
EndOfFileBooleanThis property indicates whether the last use of LINE INPUT has reached the end of the file, instead of reading an entire line with a line end character.
EndOfLineIntegerReturns or sets the line break separator used by this stream. The possible values are: gb.Unix for lines separated by Chr$(10), gb.Windows for lines separated by Chr$(13) and Chr$(10) or gb.Mac for lines separated by Chr$(13). The value of this property is used by LINE INPUT, PRINT and the Stream.Lines property.
PortNameStringReturns or sets the current path of the serial interface. Example: mySerialPort.PortName = “/dev/ttyS0” This property can only be changed if the serial port is closed.
HandleIntegerReturns the system file descriptor associated with this stream.
IsTermBooleanReturns True if a stream is assigned to a terminal.
Term.Stream.TermReturns a virtual object with which the terminal assigned to the stream can be managed.
Lines.Stream.LinesReturns a virtual object with which you can scroll through a stream line by line. (For Each aString In hStream.Lines … Next)
InputBufferSizeIntegerReturns the number of bytes of the internal input buffer.
OutputBufferSizeIntegerReturns the number of bytes of the internal output buffer.
TagVariantReturns or sets the Tag. This property is intended for the programmer and is never used by the component. Tag can contain any variant value.
StatusIntegerReturns the current status of a SerialPort object. Net.Active: The port is open. Net.Inactive - The port is closed.

Table Properties of the class SerialPort Methods

The class has these seven methods:

MethodReturn typeDescription
Open( [ Polling As Integer ))~Opens the serial interface. If successful, the Status property is set to the value Net.Active. The optional argument Polling determines the time interval in ms at which received data is read. If no parameter is specified, the serial interface is read at intervals of 50∙ms (default).
Close( )~Closes the stream. This statement corresponds exactly to the Close() statement.
Begin( )~Starts to buffer the data written in the stream so that everything is sent when the send method is called.
Send( ))~Sends all data written to the buffer at once since the last call from “Begin”.
Drop( )~Deletes the data buffered since the last call of the Begin() method.
ReadLine( [ Escape As String ] )StringReads a text line from the stream, as with the LINE INPUT statement. If escape is specified, line breaks between two escape characters are ignored.
Watch( Mode As Integer, Watch As Boolean )~Start or stop the observation of the stream file descriptor for reading or writing after it is opened. Mode is the watch type: gb.Read for reading and gb.Write for writing. If the argument Watch True, the observation is activated; if False, the observation is deactivated.

Table Methods of the class SerialPort Events

The SerialPort class has these events:

CTSChange( CurrentValue As Boolean )The event is triggered when the CTS signal value changes. CurrentValue stores the current value of this property.
DSRChange( CurrentValue As Boolean )The event is triggered when the DSR signal value changes. CurrentValue stores the current value of this property.
DTRChange( CurrentValue As Boolean )The event is triggered when the DTR signal value changes. CurrentValue stores the current value of this property.
RTSChange( CurrentValue As Boolean )The event is triggered when the RTS signal value changes. CurrentValue stores the current value of this property.
DCDChange( CurrentValue As Boolean )The event is triggered when the DCD signal value changes. CurrentValue stores the current value of this property.
RNGChange ( CurrentValue As Boolean )The event is triggered when the RNG signal value changes. CurrentValue stores the current value of this property.
Read( )The event is triggered when data can be read from the serial interface.

Table Events of the class SerialPort

With this source code, a temperature value from a temperature sensor (DAC) is read out, interpolated and displayed every 500ms via a serial interface USB-RS232 adapter:

' Gambas class file
Public hRS232 As SerialPort
Public sTemperatureDigit As String
Public TTimer As Timer
Public Sub Form_Open()
  FMain.Resizable = False
  hRS232 = New SerialPort As "hRS232"
  TTimer = New Timer As "TTimer"
  TTimer.Delay = 500 ' The temperature is read out every 500ms
  SetLEDColor(pboxStatus, "red")
Public Sub StartMeasurement()
  hRS232.PortName = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
  hRS232.Speed = 4800
  hRS232.DataBits = SerialPort.Bits8
  hRS232.StopBits = SerialPort.Bits1
  hRS232.Parity = SerialPort.None
  hRS232.FlowControl = SerialPort.None
  Try hRS232.Open(3)
  If Error Then
     Message.Error(("Error when opening the V24-RS232-USB adapter interface!"))
     SetLEDColor(pboxStatus, "red")
     If hRS232.Status = Net.Active Then
        Print hRS232.DTR
        Print hRS232.DSR
        Print hRS232.Blocking
        Print hRS232.CTS
        Print hRS232.RTS
Public Sub hRS232_Read()
  Read #hRS232, sTemperatureDigit, Lof(hRS232)
Public Sub TTimer_Timer()
  If hRS232.Status <> Net.Active Or If Asc(sTemperatureDigit) = 0 Then
     lblTemperaturAnzeige.Text = "--- °C"
     lblTemperaturAnzeige.Text = Str(Interpolation(Asc(sTemperatureDigit))) & " °C"
     TextBox1.Text = Asc(sTemperatureDigit)
     SetLEDColor(pboxStatus, "green")
Private Function Interpolation(iArgument As Integer) As Float
  Dim fX0, fX1, fY0, fY1, f As Float
' Experimentally determined data points
  fX0 = 22
  fY0 = 22.3
  fX1 = 30
  fY1 = 34.5
' Interpolation
  f = ((fY1 - fY0) / (fX1 - fX0)) * (iArgument - fX0) + fY0
  Return Round(f, -1)
Private Sub SetLEDColor(picBox As PictureBox, sLEDColor As String)
  picBox.Picture = Picture["LED/led_" & sLEDColor & ".svg"]
Public Sub Form_Close()
  If hRS232.Status = Net.Active Then


Figure Temperature display

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k24/k24.1/k24.1.5/start.txt · Last modified: 12.06.2024 by honsek

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