Colour values as valid data in a programme require secure inputs. The ColorButton component is available for direct but discreet input of colour values. The colour button (gb.form) allows the user to select a colour. The component has two notable properties and has only one special event.
A ColorButton has ColorButton.Color (type Integer) as its dominant property, whose value you can read or set. The property ColorButton.Value is a synonym for the property ColorButton.Color.The event ColorButton_Change() is triggered when you change the colour in the colour dialogue.
Figure Safe input of colours → ColorButton
After clicking on the ColorButton, a colour selection dialogue opens. You can select the colour and then accept the colour value by clicking OK.
Illustration ColorButton Dialogue
In the following source code, the colour value is displayed hexadecimally (→ Figure and stored in a (global) variable iColourValue. This allows the colour value to be used further in the project:
' Gambas class file Public iFarbWert As Integer Public Sub Form_Open() FMain.Center FMain.Resizable = False PictureBox1.Stretch = True PictureBox1.Picture = Picture["Symbols/color.png"] ColorButton.Color = Color.Orange txtColor.Text = "&H" & Hex(ColorButton.Color, 6) End Public Sub btnClose_Click() FMain.Close End '****************************************************** Public Sub ColorButton_Change() iFarbWert = ColorButton.Color txtColor.Text = "&H" & Hex(ColorButton.Color, 6) End
In the Gambas sample editor, two ColorButtons are used to set the text colour and to set the text background colour.
In the procedure Form_Open() the initialisation of the text colour and the text background colour is done:
Object.Lock(ColorButton1) Object.Lock(ColorButton2) ColorButton1.Color = TextEdit1.Format.Color ColorButton2.Color = TextEdit1.Format.Background Object.UnLock(ColorButton1) Object.UnLock(ColorButton2)
Changes to the text colour and the text background colour are implemented in the editor source text like this:
Public Sub ColorButton1_Change() TextEdit1.Format.Color = ColorButton1.Color End Public Sub ColorButton2_Change() TextEdit1.Format.Background = ColorButton2.Color End
With a ColorButton, only the selected colour is visible in the original. If, on the other hand, you use a ButtonBox, you can read the (hexadecimal) colour value in the TextBox and see the colour in the recoloured icon:
Figure ColorButtonBox in action
The source code is quite simple:
Public Sub ColorButtonBox_Click() Dim picColor As Picture If Dialog.SelectColor() Then ColorButtonBox.Text = "Farbwert" ColorButtonBox.Picture = Picture["Symbols/color.png"] Else ' ColorButtonBox.Text = Dialog.Color ' Anzeige dezimal ColorButtonBox.Text = "&H" & Hex(Dialog.Color, 6) picColor = New Picture(16, 12, False) picColor.Fill(Dialog.Color) ColorButtonBox.Picture = picColor Endif End
The original colour selection dialogue (→ Dialog.SelectColor) of the ColorButton is used.