The class provides a rotary knob - similar to a potentiometer. With the rotary knob you can generate numerical values (type integer) in a certain definition range [ Zmin | Zmax ].
Figure 17.11.1: Gambas rotary knob
In contrast, a rotary knob by Daniel Fuchs looks much fancier. This one not only has a neat rotary knob, but also a scale that you can label freely:
Figure 17.11.2: Rotary knob with scale (potentiometer class)
Properties of the Dial component are described in the following table:
Dial | Data type | Default | Description |
MinValue | Integer | 1 | Sets or returns the minimum value generated in the Dial component. |
MaxValue | Integer | 100 | Sets the maximum value that is generated in the Dial component or returns this value. |
Step | Integer | 1 | Changes the value of the generated integer (→ Dial.Value) by the value of Step when you press a cursor key as long as the Dial component has the focus. |
PageStep | Integer | 10 | Changes the value of the generated integer (→ Dial.Value) by the value of PageStep when you press the Page_Up or Page_Down key as long as the Dial component has the focus. Use the Pos1 and End keys to reach the preset values for .MinValue and .MaxValue. A repeat function is built in. |
Value | Integer | - | Sets the knob value or returns the generated integer. |
Mark | Boolean | False | The value True specifies that a dash scale (without labels!) is displayed or returns the current scale mode. |
Wrap | Boolean | False | The value True specifies that the pointer wraps to the minimum value after reaching the maximum value or returns the current wrap mode. |
Table Dial properties
The Dial component has only one specific event:
In Chapter 17.10.2 a project is presented that converts the generated values of a rotary knob into real numbers (type Float) and displays them in the components LCDNumber as well as LCDLabel.