With the inline notation of an array, you can create an array in a compact way and fill it with data immediately.
Syntax for an inline array:
Array = [ Expression [ , ... ] ]
The statement creates an array and returns it. The data type of all elements is checked. If they are all of the same type, or if they can be converted to the same native data type, then an array of a specific type is returned. For example, string[] if all elements are only string values, float[] for floating point numbers and so on…. . Otherwise, a variant[] array is returned. You create an array within an expression with the[….] operator.
The next 2 lines can be read like this:
Dim aCharactersArray As String[] aCharactersArray = ["I", "IV", "V", "IX", "X", "XL", "L", "XC", "C", "CD", "D", "CM", "M"]
The declared array' aCharactersArray' is assigned the inline array[“I”,“IV”,…,“M”]. It has been declared anonymously or as it is called in the Gambas documentation: inline (? http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/lang/array). The Inline array[“I”,“IV”,…,“M”] is a full-fledged array - but without name and can be used like a normal array.
The array[“I”,“IV”,…,“M”] is an inline array - but not an embedded array, although both terms are almost the same. The “Inline” refers to the way in which the array is written. For embedded arrays,“Embedded” refers to the position of the array in memory. Further information can be found in chapter 7.4.6 Embedded Array.
In the first project an inline array with 5 elements is specified, all of which have a different data type:
Dim aArray As Array Dim vElement As Variant Dim iCount As Integer aArray = ["Adam", 44, True, Sqr(9), Year(Now)] Print "Typ of aArray = "; Object.Type(aArray) For Each vElement In aArray Print vElement Next Print "Alternative output via an index:" For iCount = 0 To aArray.Max Print aArray[iCount] Next
Output in the IDE console:
Typ of aArray = Variant[] Adam 44 True 3 2014
The alternative output via an index provides the same result.
The join(…)-method is used for the inline array[“A”,“B”,“C”]:
PRINT ["A", "B", "C"].Join("/")
Output: A/B/C
The two inline arrays are used in the following source code:
[[“I”,“IV”,“V”,“IX”,“X”,“XL”,“L”,“XC”,“C”,“CD”,“D”,“CM”,“M”] [1,4,5,9,10,40,50,90,100,400,500,900,1000]
and are assigned in the lines (1*) and (2*) to the declared arrays 'aCharactersArray' and 'aNumbersArray' in different ways:
Function IntegerNumberToNumberCharacter(iIntegerNumber As Long) As String Dim aCharacterArray As String[] Dim aNumbersArray As New Integer[] Dim iCount As Integer Dim sNumberCharacter As String ' Use of inline arrays aCharacterArray = ["I", "IV", "V", "IX", "X", "XL", "L", "XC", "C", "CD", "D", "CM", "M"] * aNumbersArray.Insert([1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000]) ** For iCount = 12 To 0 Step -1 While (iIntegerNumber >= aNumberArray[iCount]) iIntegerNumber = iIntegerNumber - aNumbersArray[iCount] sNumberCharacter = sNumberCharacter & aCharacterArray[iCount] Wend Next ' iCount Return sNumberCharacter End ' NumberToNumbersign → Conversion according to an approach by Carlos Alberto Longen
Dim a2DArrayNames As New String[10, 5] Randomize For i = 0 To a2DArrayNames.Bounds[0] - 1 For j = 0 To a2DArrayNames.Bounds[1] - 1 a2DArrayNames[i, j] = ["Adam", "Bruno", "Carina", "Detlef", "Erwin"][Rnd(0, 5)] ★★★ Next ' j Next ' i
The string array is the names:
[“Adam”,“ Bruno”,“Carina”,“Detlef”,“Erwin”]
From this inline array, an element is selected with a random index in the range of 0 to 4 (!) since the conversion to an integer value always truncates all decimals. The line (3*) thus assigns a random name to an element of the native multidimensional array 'a2DArrayNames' addressed by the i,j-coordinates.
Here follows the complete source code of the procedure from which the above-mentioned adapted source code section was taken:
Public Sub btnShow2D_Click() Dim i, j, k As Integer Dim a2DArrayNames As New String[][] Dim myArray As New String[] Randomize a2DArray.Resize(10) For i = 0 To 9 a2DArrayNames[i] = New String[5] For j = 0 To 4 a2DArrayNames[i][j] = ["Adam", "Bruno", "Carina", "Detlef", "Erwin"][Rnd(0, 5)] Next Next ' Structured output in the console: For Each myArray In a2DArrayNames For j = 0 To myArray.Max If (j + 1) Mod (myArray.Max + 1) = 0 Then Print myArray[j] Else Print myArray[j], Endif Next Next ' Alternative For Each myArray In a2DArrayNames For j = 0 To myArray.Max Print myArray[j], If (j + 1) Mod (myArray.Max + 1) = 0 Then Print Next ' j Next ' myArray End
Structured output in the IDE console:
Carina Adam Adam Detlef Detlef Adam Erwin Adam Bruno Bruno Erwin Erwin Detlef Carina Adam Carina Detlef Adam Detlef Carina Adam Erwin Detlef Bruno Erwin Detlef Detlef Detlef Bruno Erwin Erwin Erwin Bruno Erwin Erwin Erwin Carina Erwin Carina Detlef Bruno Adam Detlef Detlef Bruno Adam Detlef Detlef Carina Adam
The simplest way to read data from a process (–> chapter 21.3.1 Using Quick syntax) is to use the short form of the EXEC instruction - the so-called Quick syntax:
EXEC aCommand TO (String-)Variable ' aCommand is a (String-)Array
Public Sub btnPingOverExec_Click() Dim sEdition As String FMain.Mouse = Mouse.Wait EXEC [sProgramName, TextBox1.Text, "-c", "4"] To sEdition ' String array as inline array TextArea.Insert(gb.NewLine & sEdition) FMain.Mouse = Mouse.Default End ' btnPingOverExec_Click
The following example shows how the use of inline arrays can considerably increase clarity in the source code. The individual variants require the German month names or the days of the week for a specific date.
1st variant
Dim dDate as Date Dim sCurrentMonth as String IF Month(dDate) = 12 THEN sCurrentMonth = "December". IF Month(dDate) = 11 THEN sCurrentMonth = "November". IF Month(dDate) = 10 THEN sCurrentMonth = "October". IF Month(dDate) = 9 THEN sCurrentMonth = "September". IF Month(dDate) = 8 THEN sCurrentMonth = "August". IF Month(dDate) = 7 THEN sCurrentMonth = "July". IF Month(dDate) = 6 THEN sCurrentMonth = "June". IF Month(dDate) = 5 THEN sCurrentMonth = "May". IF Month(dDate) = 4 THEN sCurrentMonth = "April". IF Month(dDate) = 3 THEN sCurrentMonth = "March". IF Month(dDate) = 2 THEN sCurrentMonth = "February". IF Month(dDate) = 1 THEN sCurrentMonth = "January"
2nd variant
Public Function GetMonth(dDate) As String Select Case Month(dDate) Case 1 Return "January" Case 2 Return "February" ... Case 12 Return "December" End Select End sCurrentMonth = GetMonth(Now())
3. variant - short and concise:
Dim aMonth As String[] aMonths = ["January", "February", "March", "April", ..., "October", "November", "December"]. sCurrentMonth = aMonths[Month(dDate)-1]
The following is an analogous example of displaying the weekday in a TextBox for a date selected via the DateChooser component:
aWeekDays = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", ..., "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] txbDateDayOfWeek.Text = aWeekDays[WeekDay(DateChooser1.Value)] ' Sunday = 0!
Here, an inline array is already used for array declaration:
Dim aNames As String[] = ["Eagle", "Bear", "Badger", "Fox", "Tit", "Eagle Owl", "Moose"] Example 8
To insert data into a matrix, you can also use inline arrays, three of which are used in the following section of the source code:
Dim hMatrix As Matrix hMatrix = New Matrix(3, 5, False) ' Matrix of 3 rows with 5 columns, real numbers ' Fill matrix with values hMatrix.SetRow(0, [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]) ' Elements here only of type Float hMatrix.SetRow(1, [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]) hMatrix.SetRow(2, [31, 32, 33, 34, 35])
Class.New (gb) instantiates a class:
Function New ( [ Arguments As Array ] ) As Object
This routine works exactly like the NEW operator except that the constructor arguments must be specified by an inline array.