Sorting the elements of one-dimensional native arrays works with the sort(…)method without any problems - as the following example shows:
Public Sub btnNativesArraySortieren_Click() Dim iCount, k As Integer Dim a1DArray As New String[] Dim aNames As String[] = ["Eagle", "Bear", "Badger", "Fox", "Tit", "Eagle Owl", "Moose"] iCount = 5 a1DArray.Resize(iCount) Randomize For k = 0 To a1DArray.Bounds[0] - 1 a1DArray[k] = aNames[Int(Rnd(0, aNames.Count))] Next ' k ShowElements(a1DArray) a1DArray.Sort(gb.Ascent) ' Sorting standard a..z ShowElements(a1DArray) a1DArray.Reverse() ShowElements(a1DArray) End ' btnNativesArraySortieren_Click() Public Sub ShowElements(aArray As String[]) Dim sElement As String For Each sElement In aArray Print sElement, Next ' sElement Print End ' ShowElements(aArray As String[])
Displays the elements of the a2DArray array in the console of the Gambas IDE:
Bear Eagle Owl Tit Fox → Original Eagle Bear Fox Tit Owl → Sorted in ascending order Owl Tit Fox Bear Eagle → Sorted elements inverted sorted sorted
The rearranging of elements in an array with the method Array.Reverse() can be seen as a special case of sorting an array. All elements from[E0 to Ek] in the array are rearranged to[Ek to E0].
The names of all control elements of the' Label' type are to be explored and sorted on the form. The following idea for implementation sounds plausible:
The following source code is used:
Public Sub btnSortLabel1_Click() Dim k As Integer Dim lLabel As Label Dim aLabels As New Label[] Dim hControl As Control For Each hControl In Me.Children If Object.Type(hControl) = "Label" Then Inc k aLabels.Resize(k) aLabels[k - 1] = hControl Endif Next ' hControl For Each lLabel In aLabels ' For Control Print lLabel.Name Next aLabels.Sort(gb.Ascent) For Each lLabel In aLabels Print lLabel.Name Next End ' btnSortLabel1_Click()
For control purposes, the names of the labels are first output from the original, unsorted array. This result was shown in the console of the IDE:
lblMultiArray lblClassArray lblLabels lblDemonstration
The order of the elements in the aLabels array corresponds to the order of the individual labels in the hierarchy of visible controls in the Gambas IDE. You can't be satisfied with the output of the names of the labels from the sorted array aLabels:
lblClassArray lblLabels lblMultiArray lblDemonstration
Sorted looks different! The reason for this is that the elements in an array of the type Label[] - as a derived array - are compared by their addresses in memory, since the class Label does not implement a _compare () method.
The original idea is modified for this reason:
The modified source code can be read here:
Public Sub btnSortLabel2_Click() Dim k As Integer Dim sName As String Dim aLabelNames As New String[] ' Native Array Dim hControl As Control For Each hControl In Me.Children If Object.Type(hControl) = "Label" Then aLabelNames.Add(hControl.Name) Endif Next ' hControl For Each sName In aLabelNames ' For Control Print sName Next Print aLabelNames.Sort(gb.Ascent) For Each sName In aLabelNames Print sName Next End ' btnSortLabel2_Click()
The console now displays the correct list of ascending sorted label names:
lblClassArray lblDemonstration lblLabels lblMultiArray