The Text-Label component can display simple HTML text, also known as RichText. A text label will always be used if you only want to output the text to be displayed in plain format:
Figure 16.2.1: Display of extensive RichText in a TextLabel
In a text label, you can display text that you assign via the Text Label, Text or Text Label, Caption property. Further properties of a text label are described in the table:
TextLabel | Data type | Default | Description |
.Alignment | Integer | 0 | Sets the horizontal alignment of the text in the text label or returns its alignment→ class Align |
.Autoresize | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the size of the text label automatically adapts to the text. |
.Border | Integer | None | Sets the border of the text label or determines the border shape or specifies whether a border exists and which border shape is used → class Border |
.Text | String | ~ | Sets or returns the text of the text label to be displayed |
.Padding | Integer | 0 | Sets a distance between text and text label boundaries (edge) |
.Transparent | Boolean | False | Sets the transparency of the text label or specifies whether the text label is transparent |
Table Selected text label properties
RichText in Gambas uses a subset of HTML. The following HTML tags are allowed to mark text elements:
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> → Headlines <b> → Bold font <i> → Italic <s> → Crossed out <u> → Underlined <sub> → Subscript <sup> → Superscript <small> → Small <p> → Paragraph <br> → Line break <a> → Link <font> → Font
Information about <font> tag is given in the following table. Please note that the <font> tag no longer exists under HTML5.
Font attribute | Values | Notes |
Face | Font Family | Various fonts can be specified in a comma-separated list |
Color | Color values via color names or as hexadecimal number or in RGB format | color = Red, color = #C3DDFF → light blue, color = RGB (255,175,255,95) → orange |
Size | Font size (default=3) | Absolute values from 1 to 7 or the two relative values -1 for smaller font or +1 for larger font |
Table Information about <font> tag
With <a>….</a> insert a link into the RichText. It is underlined and displayed in blue format - as it is expected for a hyperlink - but has no effect! After right-clicking on the link, you can copy the link address in the context menu.
These tags are also tested to mark single or multi-line source code, insert a horizontal line or display an unsorted list of n entries:
<tt> → single-line source text <pre> → multiline source code <hr> → horizontal line <ul> → unsorted list <li> → list
Like a simple label, you react with the TextLabel.Adjust() method if the text for a text label has changed at runtime and the text label size should automatically adapt to the changed text:
Public Sub btnAdjust_Click() TextLabel.Wrap = False ' Bei längeren Textpassagen TRUE TextLabel.AutoResize = False TextLabel.Padding = 8 TextLabel.Text = "<font size=4 face=Ubuntu color=#C3DDFF>IP-Adresse → IPv4</font>" TextLabel.Text &= "<hr>Informationen auf <a href=>" TextLabel.Text &= "</a>!" TextLabel.Adjust() End ' btnAdjust_Click() Public Sub btnAutoResize_Click() TextLabel.AutoResize = True TextLabel.Padding = 8 TextLabel.Text = "<font size=+1 face=Arial color=Red>Neue IP-Adresse → IPv6</font>" TextLabel.Text &= "<hr>Informationen auf <a href=>" TextLabel.Text &= "</a>!" End ' btnAutoResize_Click()
Alternatively, set the TextLabel. AutoResize property to True to achieve the same effect.
16.2.3 Project {c_hl} 16.2.3 Project {c_hl}
Figure RichText display for each HotSpot in a text label
As you can see, the source code for the project is very straightforward:
' Gambas class file Private mText As String[] Public Sub Form_Open() FMain.Center FMain.Resizable = False mText = New String[] mText = Split(File.Load("Text/architecture.txt"), "|") lblProject.Tag = mText[0] lblCompiler.Tag = mText[1] lblArchiver.Tag = mText[2] lblCompiledFiles.Tag = mText[3] lblExecutableFile.Tag = mText[4] lblMMAP.Tag = mText[5] lblClassLoader.Tag = mText[6] lblExecutionUnit.Tag = mText[7] lblSubRoutines.Tag = mText[8] lblComponentInterface.Tag = mText[9] lblComponentLoader.Tag = mText[10] lblInterpreter.Tag = mText[11] lblComponents.Tag = mText[12] lblNativeClasses.Tag = mText[13] End ' Form_Open() Public Sub HotSpots_MouseDown() TextLabel1.Text = Last.Tag End
The procedure HotSpots_MouseDown() replaces, in conjunction with the special object Last - which returns a reference to the object that last triggered an event - here at least 14 individual procedures!