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25.1.12 Project 2 - Bézier curves

The same considerations and comments apply to this project as for the project in → Chapter (Paint project). Therefore, only the source code and the results are presented for the three examples.

B1 Example 1

In the first example, a third-degree Bézier curve is drawn:


Figure Modelled Bézier curve of the 3rd degree (4 points)

Points A and D determine the start and end points of the curve and the position of points B and D determine the curvature behaviour. Here is the complete source code to draw the image in → Figure

[1] Public Sub CairoScriptBezier4Points()
[2]   Dim vP As Vector
[4]   GenerateNewImage()
[5]   SetImageBorder()  
[6]   Cairo.Begin(hImage) 
[7]     Cairo.Translate(xTranslate, yTranslate)
[8]     Cairo.Scale(xScale, yScale) ' +y ▲  
[9]     DrawCoordinateSystem()
[11] '-- FLAT SPRING
[12] '-- Vector with 8 elements: Real numbers (no complex numbers)
[13]     vP = New Vector(8, False) 
[14]   ' A(30|30), B(150|250), C(400|60), D(510|210)  
[15]     vP = [30, 30, 150, 250, 400, 60, 510, 210]
[17] '-- Draw connecting lines: A - B - C - D
[18]     Cairo.AntiAlias = 0
[19]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Blue)
[20]     Cairo.LineWidth = 0.75
[21]     Cairo.Dash = [1, 4] '-- Dotted line: Start
[22]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])
[23]     Cairo.LineTo(vP[2], vP[3])
[24]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[2], vP[3])
[25]     Cairo.LineTo(vP[4], vP[5])
[26]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[4], vP[5])
[27]     Cairo.LineTo(vP[6], vP[7])
[28]     Cairo.Stroke()
[29]     Cairo.Dash = [] '-- Dotted line: End
[31] '-- Bézier-Curve
[32]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Red)
[33]     Cairo.LineWidth = 4
[34]     Cairo.LineCap = Cairo.LineCapRound
[35]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])    
[36]     Cairo.CurveTo(vP[2], vP[3], vP[4], vP[5], vP[6], vP[7])
[37]     Cairo.Stroke() 
[38]     Cairo.AntiAlias = 1  
[40]   ' Draw in points A, B, C and D
[41]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Blue)
[42]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])
[43]     Cairo.Arc(vP[0], vP[1], 3)
[44]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[2], vP[3])
[45]     Cairo.Arc(vP[2], vP[3], 3)
[46]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[4], vP[5])
[47]     Cairo.Arc(vP[4], vP[5], 3)
[48]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[6], vP[7])
[49]     Cairo.Arc(vP[6], vP[7], 3)
[50]     Cairo.Fill()
[52] '-- Draw texts
[53]     Cairo.NewPath
[54]     Cairo.Scale(1, -1)
[55]     Cairo.Font.Name = "Arial"
[56]     Cairo.Font.Size = 14
[57]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.DarkBlue)
[59]     Cairo.MoveTo(25, -10)
[60]     Cairo.DrawText("A")
[61]     Cairo.MoveTo(145, -265)
[62]     Cairo.DrawText("B")     
[63]     Cairo.MoveTo(398, -35)
[64]     Cairo.DrawText("C")
[65]     Cairo.MoveTo(505, -225)
[66]     Cairo.DrawText("D")
[68]     Cairo.Scale(1, -1)    
[69]   Cairo.End()
[71] End

To clarify the position of all points in relation to the Bézier curve, certain connecting lines and the support points B and C are drawn in the instructions from line 41 onwards. Points A, B, C and D are drawn as a circle with a very small radius. Finally, the four points are labelled - but without specifying coordinates. Example 2

In this example, a number 2 (digit symbol) is drawn from three Bézier curves - two Bézier curves of the third degree and a line (Bézier curves of the first degree).


Figure The number 2 from three Bézier curves

The source code for the procedure CairoScriptBezierNumber2() is given in full:

[1] Public Sub CairoScriptBezierNumber2()
[2]   Dim PS, P1, P2, PE As New PointF
[3]   Dim vP, aQ As Vector
[4]   Dim fYOffset As Float
[6]   GenerateNewImage()
[7]   SetImageBorder()  
[8]   Cairo.Begin(hImage) 
[9]     Cairo.Translate(xTranslate, yTranslate)
[10]     Cairo.Scale(xScale, yScale) ' +y ▲  
[11]     DrawCoordinateSystem()
[13] '-- Draw number 2
[14]     Cairo.Scale(2, 2) ' +Zoom with a factor of 2
[15]     Cairo.LineWidth = 22
[16]     fYOffset = Cairo.LineWidth / 2
[17]   ' -----------------------------------------------------
[18]   ' Upper arch - red
[19]     PS.x = 60
[20]     PS.y = 90 + fYOffset
[21]     P1.x = 60
[22]     P1.y = 130 + fYOffset
[23]     P2.x = 135
[24]     P2.y = 130 + fYOffset
[25]     PE.x = 135
[26]     PE.y = 90 + fYOffset
[27]     Cairo.LineCap = Cairo.LineCapRound
[28]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Red)
[29]     Cairo.MoveTo(PS.x, PS.y)
[30]     Cairo.CurveTo(P1.x, P1.y, P2.x, P2.y, PE.x, PE.y)
[31]     Cairo.Stroke()
[32]   ' -----------------------------------------------------    
[33]   ' Centre curve - blue
[34]     vP = New Vector
[35]     vP = [60, 0, 60, 45, 135, 45, 135, 90]
[36]     aQ = New Vector
[37]     aQ = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
[39]     vP = vP + fYOffset * aQ
[40]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Blue)
[41]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])    
[42]     Cairo.CurveTo(vP[2], vP[3], vP[4], vP[5], vP[6], vP[7])
[43]     Cairo.Stroke
[44]   ' -----------------------------------------------------   
[45]   ' Lower curve - green - 1st order Bezier curve (straight line)
[46]     Cairo.MoveTo(60, 0 + fYOffset)
[47]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Green)
[48]     Cairo.LineTo(135, 0 + fYOffset)
[49]     Cairo.Stroke()
[50]   Cairo.End()
[52] End Example 3

In this example, a graphic is drawn that consists of several 3rd degree Bézier curves and other shapes (lines, circles). Different colours are used to distinguish the individual curves.


Figure Complex graphic with Bézier curves

The source code for the third example is given here in full:

[1] Public Sub CairoScriptBezierSplines()
[2]   Dim vP As Vector
[4]   GenerateNewImage()
[5]   SetImageBorder()  
[6]   Cairo.Begin(hImage) 
[7]     Cairo.Translate(xTranslate, yTranslate)
[8]     Cairo.Scale(xScale, yScale) ' +y ▲  
[9]     DrawCoordinateSystem()
[11]   ' AUTO
[12]   ' -----------------------------------------------------         
[13]   ' Front bumper
[14]     Cairo.Scale(1.3, 1.3) ' +Zoom mit dem Faktor 1.3
[15]     vP = New Vector
[16]     vP = [1.25, 0.75, 1, 0.75, 1, 0.75, 1, 1]
[17]     vP = 40 * vP
[18]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Red)
[19]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])    
[20]     Cairo.CurveTo(vP[2], vP[3], vP[4], vP[5], vP[6], vP[7])
[21]     Cairo.Stroke()
[22]   ' -----------------------------------------------------    
[23]   ' Radiator cap
[24]     vP = New Vector
[25]     vP = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2.5, 2.2, 3.8, 2.2]
[26]     vP = 40 * vP
[27]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Green)
[28]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])    
[29]     Cairo.CurveTo(vP[2], vP[3], vP[4], vP[5], vP[6], vP[7])
[30]     Cairo.Stroke()
[31]   ' -----------------------------------------------------    
[32]   ' Windscreen and roof
[33]     vP = New Vector
[34]     vP = [3.8, 2.2, 4, 3.8, 5.8, 3.2, 7.7, 2.6]
[35]     vP = 40 * vP
[36]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Red)
[37]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])    
[38]     Cairo.CurveTo(vP[2], vP[3], vP[4], vP[5], vP[6], vP[7])
[39]     Cairo.Stroke()
[40]   ' -----------------------------------------------------    
[41]   ' Boot cover
[42]     vP = New Vector
[43]     vP = [7.7, 2.6, 8.5, 2.3, 8.6, 1.5, 10, 1]
[44]     vP = 40 * vP
[45]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Blue)
[46]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])    
[47]     Cairo.CurveTo(vP[2], vP[3], vP[4], vP[5], vP[6], vP[7])
[48]     Cairo.Stroke()
[49]   ' -----------------------------------------------------
[50]   ' Rear bumper   
[51]     vP = New Vector
[52]     vP = [10, 1, 10.5, 0.75, 10.5, 0.75, 10, 0.75]
[53]     vP = 40 * vP
[54]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Red)
[55]     Cairo.MoveTo(vP[0], vP[1])    
[56]     Cairo.CurveTo(vP[2], vP[3], vP[4], vP[5], vP[6], vP[7])
[57]     Cairo.Stroke()
[58]   ' -----------------------------------------------------    
[59]   ' Base plate
[60]     Cairo.AntiAlias = 1
[61]       Cairo.MoveTo(400, 30)
[62]       Cairo.LineWidth = 1
[63]       Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.DarkGray)
[64]       Cairo.LineTo(50, 30)      
[65]       Cairo.Stroke()
[66]     Cairo.AntiAlias = 0
[67]   ' Front wheel
[68]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.DarkGreen)    
[69]     Cairo.Arc(100, 30, 30)
[70]     Cairo.Fill()
[71]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Gray)
[72]     Cairo.Arc(100, 30, 17)
[73]     Cairo.Fill()
[74]   ' Rear wheel
[75]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.DarkGreen)
[76]     Cairo.Arc(300, 30, 30)
[77]     Cairo.Fill()
[78]     Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Gray)
[79]     Cairo.Arc(300, 30, 17)    
[80]     Cairo.Fill()
[82] ' TEXT
[83]     Cairo.NewPath
[84]     Cairo.Scale(1 / 1.3, -1 / 1.3) '-- ATTENTION: y-axis now with *positive* values downwards!
[85]     Cairo.MoveTo(10, -220)
[86]     Cairo.AntiAlias = 1
[87]       Cairo.Source = Cairo.ColorPattern(Color.Gray)
[88]       Cairo.LineTo(540, -220)
[89]       Cairo.Stroke()
[90]     Cairo.AntiAlias = 0
[91]     Cairo.Font.Name = "Monospace"
[92]     Cairo.Font.Size = 30
[93]     Cairo.MoveTo(50, -230)
[94]     Cairo.DrawText("CAIRO-DESIGN")
[95]   Cairo.End()
[97] End

The project archive can be found in the download area.


Chapter & Projects


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