This class is used for
You cannot directly create this class. You must use the OPEN statement.
The File class has these properties:
Property | Data type | Description |
Blocking | Boolean | Returns or sets the truth value True if the stream is blocked. If this property is set to True, reading from the stream is blocked if there is nothing to read. Writing to the stream is blocked if, for example, the internal system buffer is full. |
ByteOrder | Integer | Returns the byte order or sets the byte order used to read or write binary data to the stream. The property can take the following values: gb.BigEndian as “Big endian byte order” or gb.LittleEndian as “Little endian byte order”. |
EndOfFile | Boolean | This property signals whether the last use of LINE INPUT has reached the end of the file instead of reading an entire line with an end-of-line character. |
EndOfLine | Integer | Returns or sets the line break separator used by the current stream. The possible values are: gb.Unix for lines separated by Chr$(10), gb.Windows for lines separated by Chr$(13) and Chr$(10), gb.Mac for lines separated by Chr$(13). The value of this property is used by LINE INPUT, PRINT and the Stream.Lines property. Note that you can read both Unix and Windows line formats with gb.Unix. But it only writes the Unix format! |
Handle | Integer | Returns the system file descriptor associated with the current stream. |
IsTerm | Boolean | Returns True if a stream is associated with a terminal. |
Lines | .Stream.Lines | Returns a virtual object (type string array) with which you can read a stream line by line. |
Tag | Variant | Returns the value of the Tag property assigned to the stream or sets the value. This property of data type Variant is intended for free use by the programmer and is not used by the component. |
Term | .Stream.Term | Returns a virtual object that can be used to manage the terminal associated with the stream. The virtual class Stream.Term (gb) has the properties Echo, FlowControl, Height, Width and Name and the method Resize. Link: |
Table : Properties of the class File
Example of the use of the Lines property:
Dim hStream As Stream Dim aString As String ... For Each aString In hStream.Lines ... Next
The File class has these three static properties:
Property | Data type | Description |
In | File | Returns the standard input stream. |
Out | File | Delivers the standard output stream. |
Err | File | Delivers the standard error output stream. |
Table : Static properties of the class File
For appropriate information, see the page: for the following example. It shows how to read and write on standard input, standard output and standard error output and presents the use of the static properties File.In, File.Out and File.Err. Each line written on standard input is returned first on standard output and then on standard error output.
Public Sub Main() Dim inputLine As String ' Loop until the end of the standard input file stream While Not Eof(File.In) ' Read a line from standard input Line Input #File.In, inputLine ' Read data ' Print to standard output Print #File.Out, inputLine ' Write data ' Print to standard error Print #File.Err, inputLine ' Write data Wend End
Create a project (command line application ioe (input output error)) and place the above code in the Main.module file. When you run this program in the Gambas IDE, the application seems to hang. If you type some text in the console window of the IDE and press enter, each line is returned twice in the console. However, since the application never sees the end of the file for the standard input stream, you have to stop the project. To get a better idea of what the example does, create a Gambas executable and name it ioe.gambas. Open a terminal and change to the directory where you saved the executable.
If you enter the following command:
ls -a | ./ioe.gambas
you will see each output line of the ls -a command, but always twice. Once from the standard output (stdout) and once from the standard error output (stderr). However, the application now sees the end of the standard input stream and thus ends correctly. With the command
ls -a | ./ioe.gambas > files.txt
you redirect the standard output stream of the ls -a command to a file on the one hand and you see the standard error output stream in the terminal window on the other.
The File class has these six methods:
Method | ReturnType | Description |
Begin() | - | Starts buffering the data written to the stream so that when the Send method is called, everything is sent at once. |
Close() | - | Closes the stream. The method is exactly the same as the CLOSE statement. |
Drop() | - | Deletes the data buffered since the last call of the Begin() method. |
ReadLine([ Escape As String ]) | String | Reads a line of text from the stream, just like the LINE INPUT statement. If Escape is specified, line breaks between two escape characters are ignored. This method is very useful when reading CSV files. |
Send() | - | Sends all data at once that has been buffered since the last call of the Begin() method. |
Watch ( Mode As Integer, Watch As Boolean ) | - | Starts or stops watching the stream file descriptor for reading or writing after it has been opened. Mode is the observation type: gb.Read to observe while reading or gb.Write to observe while writing. Watch is TRUE to enable watching and FALSE to disable watching. |
Table : Methods of the class File
The class has these two selected events, among others:
Event | Description |
Read() | This event is triggered when something is to be read from the file. The file must have been opened with the keyword WATCH for this purpose. See OPEN for more details. |
Write() | This event is triggered when writing to the file is possible. The file must have been opened with the keyword WATCH. See OPEN for more details. |
Table : Events of the File class
Of particular interest are the following (static) methods - especially the Load() and Save() methods:
Method | Description |
BaseName( Path As String ) | Returns the name of a file without extension. |
SetBaseName( Path As String, NewBaseName As String ) | Replaces only the base name of a path and returns the changed path. |
Dir( Path As String ) | Returns the directory part of a file path. |
SetDir( Path As String, NewDir As String ) | Replaces only the directory part of a path and returns the changed path. |
Ext( Path As String ) | Returns the extension (without dot) of a file name. |
SetExt( Path As String, NewExt As String ) | Replaces only the extension of a path and returns the changed path. |
Name( Path As String ) | Returns the complete file name with extension of a file path. |
SetName( Path As String, NewName As String ) | Replaces the file name of a path and returns the changed path. |
Load( FilePath As String ) | Loads a file and returns its content as string. |
Save( FilePath As String, Data As String ) | Saves the content of a string (Data) to a file with the path FilePath. |
IsHidden ( Path As String ) | Returns True if a file path is hidden. Path is the file path to be checked. A file path is hidden if it itself or one of its parent directories is hidden. Under UNIX, hidden files or directories are those whose name begins with a dot. |
IsRelative ( Path As String ) | Returns True if Path is a relative path. A relative path is a path that does not begin with the / or ~ character. |
Table : Static methods of the class File
Public Sub btnDisplayProperties_Click() If Dialog.OpenFile() Then Return Print "Datei-Pfad: " & Dialog.Path Print "Verzeichnis der Datei: " & File.Dir(Dialog.Path) Print "Dateiname (mit Extension): " & File.Name(Dialog.Path) Print "Dateiname (ohne Extension): " & File.BaseName(Dialog.Path) Print "Datei-Extension (ohne Punkt): " & File.Ext(Dialog.Path) End
You can use file filters in a file open or file save dialogue. With regular expressions, however, you can set the filters in a much more differentiated way:
The last filter selects all files in the current directory that begin with the letter string 'tb', which is followed by a digit from the range 1-3, and then a sequence of arbitrary characters. The extension is either .txt or .log.For example, a filter of the following type is often used for text files:
Private $sCurrentFilePath As String Public Sub btnFileLoad_Click() Dialog.Filter = ["*.txt;*.log;*.xml;*.conf", "Text files"] If Dialog.OpenFile() Then Return $sCurrentFilePath = Dialog.Path txaTextArea.Text = File.Load(Dialog.Path) Catch Message.Info(Error.Text) End Public Sub btnFileSave_Click() If Dialog.SaveFile() Then Return File.Save(Dialog.Path, txaTextArea.Text) Catch Message.Info(Error.Text) End Example 3 - Using selected static methods of the class File
Dim filePath As String Print "* A standard type of path" filePath = "/my/path/file.ext" Print filePath Print File.SetBaseName(filePath, "new-name") Print "\\n* Try a path with two extensions" filePath = "/my/path/file.ext1.ext2" Print filePath Print File.SetBaseName(filePath, "new-name") Print "\\n* A path with just an extension" filePath = ".ext" Print filePath Print File.SetBaseName(filePath, "new-name") Print "\\n* A path without a file name" filePath = "/my/path/.ext" Print filePath Print File.SetBaseName(filePath, "new-name") Print "\\n* A path without a file name or extension" filePath = "/my/path/" Print filePath Print File.SetBaseName(filePath, "new-name")
Outputs in the console of the IDE:
* A standard type of path /my/path/file.ext /my/path/new-name.ext * Try a path with two extensions /my/path/file.ext1.ext2 /my/path/new-name.ext2 * A path with just an extension .ext new-name.ext * A path without a file name /my/path/.ext /my/path/new-name.ext * A path without a file name or extension /my/path/ /my/path/new-name
Using the following source code, output text to the console using File.Out and control the music player using the standard input File.In.
To start the player in a console from the project directory:
hans@mint-183 ~/GB3BUCH/6K_Stream/.../MusicPlayer $ gbr3 ./music_player_console.gambas
Source code:
' Gambas module file ' Characters are read in via the standard input (terminal) in order to control the MediaPlayer. Notes: Public mPlayer As New MediaPlayer Public Sub Main() If mPlayer Then mPlayer = zero Start() End Public Sub Start() mPlayer = New MediaPlayer mPlayer.URL = "" mPlayer.Audio.Volume = +1.0 mPlayer.Play() Print #File.Out, "" Print #File.Out, "-------------------------------------" Print #File.Out, "Instructions for use" Print #File.Out, "-------------------------------------" Print #File.Out, "+ ▶ Audio.Volume ▲" Print #File.Out, "- ▶ Audio.Volume ▼" Print #File.Out, "p ▶ Player.Pause" Print #File.Out, "r ▶ Player.Run (After a pause)" Print #File.Out, "m ▶ Audio.Mute (off/on)" Print #File.Out, "q ▶ Player.Stop" Print #File.Out, "-------------------------------------" Print #File.Out, "Each command is followed by <ENTER>." Print #File.Out, "-------------------------------------" Print #File.Out, "" End Public Sub Application_Read() Dim sInput As String Dim fDeltaVolume As Float If mPlayer.Audio.Volume > 1.1 Then fDeltaVolume = 1.0 Else fDeltaVolume = 0.1 EndIf Line Input #File.In, sInput Select Case sInput Case "q" mPlayer.Stop() Quit Case "p" mPlayer.Pause() Case "r" ' Run mPlayer.Play() Case "m" ' Toggle switch: mute on/mute off mPlayer.Audio.Mute = Not mPlayer.Audio.Mute Case "+" If mPlayer.Audio.Volume > 0.09 And mPlayer.Audio.Volume < 9.0 Then mPlayer.Audio.Volume += fDeltaVolume Endif Case "-" If mPlayer.Audio.Volume > 0.2 And mPlayer.Audio.Volume < 10.0 Then mPlayer.Audio.Volume -= fDeltaVolume Endif End Select End