The Stat (gb) class provides you with all the information returned by the system about a particular file. It must be emphasised that a Stat object is unsuitable for making selected changes to file properties! The class cannot be created.
The Stat class has these properties:
Property | Data type | Description |
Path | String | Returns the path of the file referenced by the Stat object or sets the path. |
Auth | String | Returns the file permissions as a string; with the same syntax as the instruction CHMOD. |
Group | String | Returns the group to which the file belongs. |
Hidden | Boolean | Returns True if the file is hidden. |
LastAccess | Date | Returns the date and time the file was last accessed. |
LastChange | Date | Returns the time when the attributes of the file were last changed. |
LastModified | Date | Outputs the time when the contents of the file were last modified. |
Time | Date | Synonym for the LastModified property. |
Link | String | If the file is a symbolic link, then the path of the file is returned. |
Mode | Integer | Returns the mode (access mask) of the file encoded as a number. You should use the more specific and easier to handle properties such as Perm or SetUID. |
SetGID | Boolean | Returns True if the SetGID bit is set in the Permissions mask. |
SetUID | Boolean | Returns True if the SetUID bit is set in the rights mask. |
Size | Long | Returns the file size in bytes. |
Sticky | Boolean | Returns True if the Sticky bit is set in the rights mask. |
User | String | Returns the name of the user/owner. |
Type | Integer | Returns the type of a file (type symbol or number). |
Perm | .Stat.Perm | Returns a virtual class describing the file permissions (permissions mask). |
Table : Properties of the class Stat
The type of a file can be described by one of the following constants:
Type - symbol | Type - number | Description |
gb.File | 1 | Normal file (Regular file) |
gb.Directory | 2 | Directory (Directory) |
gb.Device | 3 | Special file for a device |
gb.Pipe | 4 | Named pipe (FIFO file) |
gb.Socket | 5 | Special file for a socket (Special file for a socket) |
gb.Link | 6 | Symbolic link (Symbolic link) |
Table : File type constants of the Stat class
The .Stat.Perm (gb) virtual class describes the file permissions for the selected file and can be used like a read-only array.
Property | Data type | Description |
.Stat.Perm.User | String | Returns the user/owner permission of the file as a string. |
.Stat.Perm.Group | String | Returns the group permission of the file as a string. |
.Stat.Perm.Other | String | Returns the default permissions as string. |
Table : Properties of the .Stat.Perm class
In all three cases, the (permission) string contains the following characters if the respective permission has been granted:
Attention: In particular, no character is output for missing permissions. This differs from the output of commands like 'ls -l', where missing permissions are noted with a minus sign at their fixed position.
First, a temporary file is created in the presented project and content is inserted. Then the file permissions are explicitly changed. Then a Stat object is created and the file information of the temporary file is read and displayed.
' Gambas class file Public sFilePath As String Public Sub Form_Open() Dim sGroup, sRandomFileName As String FMain.Center FMain.Resizable = False sRandomFileName = SetRandomFileName() sFilePath = Temp(sRandomFileName) File.Save(sFilePath, "Text line 1.\nText line 2.") Chown sFilePath To User.Name Exec ["id", "-gn"] To sGroup ' Find out the group of the current user sGroup = Trim$(sGroup) Chgrp sFilePath To sGroup Chmod sFilePath To "rwxrw-r--" ' Test 1 perfect ' Chmod sFilePath To "rwSrwSr-T" ' Test 2 not error-free ' Chmod sFilePath To "rwxrw-rw-" ' Test 3 perfect ' Error correction: ' Shell "chmod u+s " & sFilePath Wait ' Shell "chmod g+s " & sFilePath Wait ' Shell "chmod o+t " & sFilePath Wait End Public Sub btnGetInformation_Click() Dim FileInfo As Stat Dim aTypes As String[] = ["Regular file", "Directory", "Special file for a device", "Named pipe", / "Special file for a socket", "Symbolic link"] Dim hFile As File Dim sLine, sLink As String FileInfo = Stat(sFilePath) ' txaOutput(TypeOf(Stat(sFilePath)) --> Stat-Object txaOutput.Clear() txaOutput.Insert(gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Path = " & FileInfo.Path & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("File-Type (Integer) = " & FileInfo.Type & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("File-Type = " & aTypes[FileInfo.Type - 1] & gb.Lf) ' aTypes array index starts with 0 txaOutput.Insert("Permissions (Symbolic notation) = " & FileInfo.Auth & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("File-Modus (Numeric notation) = " & Oct$(FileInfo.Mode) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("SetUID set? = " & Str(FileInfo.SetUID) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("SetGID set? = " & Str(FileInfo.SetGID) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Sticky-Bit set? = " & Str(FileInfo.Sticky) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("User permissions = " & FileInfo.Perm.User & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Group permissions = " & FileInfo.Perm.Group & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Other permissions = " & FileInfo.Perm.Other & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert(gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("File-Size = " & FileInfo.Size & " Byte" & gb.Lf) sLink = IIf(FileInfo.Link, FileInfo.Link, "No") txaOutput.Insert("Symbolic link? = " & sLink & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Contents of the text file:" & gb.Lf) hFile = Open sFilePath For Input While Not Eof(hFile) Line Input #hFile, sLine txaOutput.Insert(sLine & gb.Lf) Wend txaOutput.Insert(gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("User = " & FileInfo.User & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Group = " & FileInfo.Group & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("File hidden? = " & Str(FileInfo.Hidden) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Permissions (Numeric notation) = " & ModeStringToOctalString(FileInfo.Auth) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Last access to file = " & FileInfo.LastAccess & "(UTC)" & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Last change of file content = " & FileInfo.LastModified & "(UTC)" & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Last change of file attributes = " & FileInfo.LastChange & "(UTC)" & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Permission R or W = " & Str(Access(sFilePath, gb.Read Or gb.Write)) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Permission R = " & Str(Access(sFilePath, gb.Read)) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Permission W = " & Str(Access(sFilePath, gb.Write)) & gb.Lf) txaOutput.Insert("Permission X = " & Str(Access(sFilePath, gb.Exec)) & gb.Lf) ' is default if the optional mode argument is missing txaOutput.Insert("Permission R = " & Str(Access(sFilePath)) & gb.Lf) End Private Function SetRandomFileName() As String Dim sFileName As String sFileName = Hex$(Rand(0, 2 ^ 32 - 1)) ' Random file name Return sFileName End Public Sub ModeStringToOctalString(ModeString As String) As String Dim i, k, iValue, iExtendedFileAttribute As Integer Dim sOctal, s As String For k = 1 To 7 Step 3 s = Mid(ModeString, k, 3) iValue = 0 For i = 1 To 3 Select Mid(s, i, 1) Case "r" iValue += 4 Case "w" iValue += 2 Case "x", "s", "t" iValue += 1 End Select If k = 1 Then Select Mid(s, i, 1) Case "s", "S" iExtendedFileAttribute += 4 End Select Endif If k = 4 Then Select Mid(s, i, 1) Case "s", "S" iExtendedFileAttribute += 2 End Select Endif If k = 7 Then Select Mid(s, i, 1) Case "t", "T" iExtendedFileAttribute += 1 End Select Endif Next sOctal &= CStr(iValue) ' String! Next If iExtendedFileAttribute = 0 Then Return sOctal Else Return CStr(iExtendedFileAttribute) & sOctal ' String! Endif End
Figure Output file information
An alternative to the use of the virtual class .Stat.Perm is the Access function, about which you can read information under the link and which was also used selectively in the above project.
Attention: All files in the logical folder Data (and also in all subdirectories therein) in the project directory are treated as read-only, no matter what the actual mode settings are. This also applies to files with mode 777 (full read and write access for owner, group and others). This means, for example, that Access(“texts/mytext.txt”) never returns gb.Write. The reason is that when the executable file *.gambas is executed, all project files from the Data folder are inserted into the executable file and therefore cannot be changed at runtime!
Note that the CHMOD instruction is (partially) faulty up to (stable) Gambas version 3.11.3. A correction option is given in the presented project. The bug was fixed with commit d44b4bd7f in the development version.
To change file attributes, you can use the three instructions CHGRP, CHMOD and CHOWN, which are described in the next chapter.