In this project, you can encrypt or decrypt a file using a high-quality encryption algorithm. It is always checked whether the system supports the key used.
If the selected file was encrypted with a strong password, then the encrypted file is saved under the original name with a new extension .enc in the same directory. The original file is not deleted in the presented project.
Figure Main programme
In the dialogue you can select the file to be encrypted:
Figure File selection dialogue box
In another dialogue the password has to be entered:
Figure Password request
You will be informed about the success or failure in encrypting or decrypting the file:
Figure Success message
Figure Error message
The source codes are given in full:
' Gambas class file Private sMethod As String = "BF-CBC" ' Definition of the encryption algorithm Private sCurrentFile As String Public Sub Form_Open() FMain.Caption = ("Encrypting and decrypting files") FMain.Resizable = False If Cipher.List.Find(sMethod) = -1 Then Message.Error(Subst("\n&1 &2 &3", ("The system does not support the Cipher-Method:"), sMethod, "!")) FMain.Close() Else lblMethod.Text = Subst("&1 &2", ("Cipher-Method is"), sMethod) Endif End Public Sub btnEncryptFile_Click() Dim sPassword, sSalt, sPath, sMessage As String Dialog.Title = ("Select a file!") Dialog.Path = Application.Dir If Dialog.OpenFile() Then Return sPassword = GetPassword() ' Password from a password dialog If sPassword Then sSalt = "123Abc#*" ' Free defined string (8 bytes) sPath = Dialog.Path & ".enc" btnEncryptFile.Text = ("Encrypt a selected file ... in progress") File.Save(sPath, Cipher[sMethod].EncryptSalted(File.Load(Dialog.Path), sPassword, sSalt)) Wait 1 btnEncryptFile.Text = ("Encrypt a selected file ...") sMessage = Subst("&1\n&2\n&3", ("File"), File.Name(Dialog.Path), ("has been successfully encrypted!")) Message.Info(sMessage) Else Message.Warning(("The password dialog was aborted by the user\nor the password is empty!")) Return Endif Catch Message.Error(Error.Text) btnEncryptFile.Text = ("Encrypt a selected file ...") End Public Sub btnDecryptFile_Click() Dim sPassword, sPath, sMessage As String Dialog.Title = ("Select a file!") Dialog.Path = Application.Dir If Dialog.OpenFile() Then Return sPassword = GetPassword() ' Password from a password dialog If sPassword Then If Dialog.Path Ends ".enc" Then sPath = Replace(Dialog.Path, ".enc", "") Else sPath = Dialog.Path Endif btnDecryptFile.Text = ("Decrypt a selected file... in progress") File.Save(sPath, Cipher[sMethod].DecryptSalted(File.Load(Dialog.Path), sPassword)) Wait 1 btnDecryptFile.Text = ("Decrypt a selected file ...") sMessage = Subst("&1\n&2\n&3", ("File"), File.Name(Dialog.Path), ("has been successfully decrypted!")) Message.Info(sMessage) Else Message.Warning(("The password dialog was aborted by the user\nor the password is empty!")) Return Endif Catch Message.Error(Error.Text) btnDecryptFile.Text = ("Decrypt a selected file ...") End Public Sub btnPWInformation_Click() ShowPWInformation() End Public Sub btnHelp_Click() ShowHelp() End Public Sub Form_Resize() Separator1.Width = FMain.ClientWidth End Private Sub ShowPWInformation() Dim sMessage As String sMessage = "<hr>" sMessage &= "<p>" sMessage &= Subst("&1 ", ("A")) sMessage &= "<font color='red'>" & ("strong") & "</font>" sMessage &= Subst(" &1", ("password contains at least:")) sMessage &= "<p>" sMessage &= ("- 8 characters,") & "<br>" sMessage &= ("- a small letter,") & "<br>" sMessage &= ("- one uppercase letter,") & "<br>" sMessage &= ("- one digit and") & "<br>" sMessage &= ("- a special character from the set {+ # _ @ ! ? § $ % *}") sMessage &= "<hr>" Message.Info(sMessage) End Private Sub ShowHelp() Dim sMessage As String sMessage = "<hr>" sMessage &= "<p>" sMessage &= ("The encrypted file retains its original name,\n") sMessage &= ("to which the extension 'enc' is appended.") sMessage &= "<hr><p>" sMessage &= ("The decrypted file gets its original name. \n") sMessage &= ("An existing file with the original name will be overwritten!") sMessage &= "<hr>" Message.Info(sMessage) End Private Function GetPassword() As String Dim hFormLogin As New FLogin Return hFormLogin(("Enter a password!")) ' Start dialog ... End Public Sub btnClose_Click() FMain.Close() End
The source code of the dialogue for entering the password can be found in the file FLogin.class, whose most important procedure is _call(…):
' Gambas class file Public Sub _call(sMessage As String) As String lblMessage.Text = sMessage ' Returns when one of the buttons is clicked! The return value is specified in the Me.Close() call and ' indicates whether or not it was canceled. Select Me.ShowModal() Case 1 Return txtPassword.Text Case 0 Return "" End Select End Public Sub btnOK_Click() Me.Close(1) End Public Sub btnCancel_Click() ' 0 is also indicated by the cross in the window bar is returned - this corresponds to an abort. Me.Close(0) End Public Sub txtPassword_Activate() btnOK_Click() ' Me.Close(1) End