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18.4 ToolPanel (gb.form)

The ToolPanel control implements a toolbox with multiple vertically scrollable toolbar bars. The class can be created. To create a new ToolPanel:

Dim hToolPanel As ToolPanel
hToolPanel = New ToolPanel ( Parent As Container ) [ As "EventName" ]

The class behaves like a read-only array and returns an object representing one of the toolboxes.

Dim hToolPanel As ToolPanel
Dim hToolPanelContainer As _ToolPanelContainer
hToolPanelContainer = hToolPanel [ Index As Integer ]

18.4.1 Properties

The ToolPanel class has these properties, among others:

PropertyData typeDescription
AnimatedBooleanDetermines whether the toolbars are animated.
BorderBooleanDetermines or sets whether the ToolPanel has a border.
CountIntegerReturns or sets the number of toolbars.
FontFontReturns or sets the font used to draw text in the control.
IndexIntegerReturns or sets the current toolbar.
PicturePictureReturns or sets the symbol (data type: Picture) displayed in the button of the current toolbar.
TextStringReturns or sets the caption of the current toolbar.

Table : Properties of the class ToolPanel

18.4.2 Events

The ToolPanel class has only two relevant events:

DblClick ( )This event is triggered when the user quickly clicks twice on the control.
Click ( )This event is triggered when the user selects a toolbar in the ToolPanel.

Table : Events of the ToolPanel class

18.4.3 Project

Presented is a small project where you can select one of three toolbars in a ToolPanel that provide different functionalities:


Figure Selection: Colour

Date 2

Figure Selection: Date


Figure Selection: File

For the ToolPanel, on the one hand you can define its basic properties in the IDE and on the other hand, after defining how many toolbars the ToolPanel should hold, you can also define the essential properties of the individual ToolBars.

The source code looks very clear because only the essential functionality of the individual toolbars needs to be specified (selection of colour, selection of date1 and date2 and selection of file):

' Gambas class file
Public Sub Form_Open()
    FMain.Resizable = False
    ColorChooser1.Value = &HCF3FFF
    FileChooser1.Root = User.Home
    FileChooser1.Multi = False
    FileChooser1.Filter = ["*.png;*.jp*;*.gif", "Picture files", "*.txt;*.xml;*.conf", "Text files"]
    FileChooser1.FilterIndex = 0        '-- Display images with the extensions png, jp* and gif first
'-- FileChooser1.FilterIndex = -1       '-- Display all files
'-- FileChooser1.ShowFile = True        '-- Default-Value is 'True'
'-- FileChooser1.ShowDirectory = False  '-- Default-Value is 'False'
'-- FileChooser1.ShowButton = False     '-- Default-Value is 'False'
    FileChooser1.ShowPreview = True     '-- Default-Value is 'False'
Public Sub DateChooser1_Change()
  lblDifferenceInDays.Text = RunDateDiff(DateChooser1.Value, DateChooser2.Value)
Public Sub DateChooser2_Change()
  lblDifferenceInDays.Text = RunDateDiff(DateChooser1.Value, DateChooser2.Value)
Private Sub RunDateDiff(hDate1 As Date, hDate2 As Date) As Integer
  Return Abs(DateDiff(hDate1, hDate2, gb.Day)) + 1
Public Sub ColorChooser1_Change()
  lblColor.Text = "&H" & Hex(ColorChooser1.Value)
Public Sub FileChooser1_Change()
    lblFilename.Text = ""
    If FileChooser1.SelectedPath Then lblFilename.Text = FileChooser1.SelectedPath
Public Sub FileChooser1_Activate()
    If FileChooser1.Multi = False Then
       lblFilename.Text = FileChooser1.SelectedPath
   '-- Message.Info("Selected file:<hr>" & FileChooser1.SelectedPath)
   '-- Desktop.Open(FileChooser1.DirView.Current &/ FileChooser1.FileView.Selection[0])

A special feature when selecting a file is that after double-clicking on a file, the selected file is opened with the (standard) editor and its contents are displayed.

The complete source code is made available to you in a project archive in the download area.


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k18/k18.4/start.txt · Last modified: 07.10.2023 by emma

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