Break and Continue are special instructions within loop control structures.
A file is opened for reading. Then the contents of the file are read out line by line and each line - under certain conditions - is stored in an array:
hFile = OPEN sFilePath For Input WHILE NOT Eof(hFile) ' As long as the end of the file has not been reached ... LINE INPUT #hFile, sLine ' ... reads a line from the file sLine = Trim(sLine) ' ... Spaces at the end and beginning of the line are removed. IF NOT sLine THEN CONTINUE ' ... an empty line is skipped -> continue with new loop throughput IF InStr("#;'", Left$(sLine)) THEN CONTINUE ' ... a comment is ignored -> next ... ... aFileArray.Add(sLine) WEND ' NOT Eof(hFile) CLOSE #hFile
Example 2 picks up a case in which two nested For control structures are to be left when a certain condition is fulfilled:
Dim iN, iI As Integer Dim bBreak As Boolean = False For iN = 0 To aArray.Max For iI = 0 To Array[iN].Max If iX = aArray[iN][iI] Then bBreak = True Break Endif Next If bBreak Then Break Next
In the third example, only the numbers from an array are stored in another array, which are integer cubic roots:
Private Function CubicNumbers(aArray As Integer[]) As Integer[] Dim iNumber As Integer Dim aResult As New Integer[] For Each iNumber In aArray If Frac(Cbr(iNumber)) <> 0 Then CONTINUE ' Skip numbers whose cubic root is not an integer aResult.Add(iNumber) Next Return aResult End