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10.3.2 FOR-EACH control structure

This chapter describes the FOR-EACH control structure. It is another form of loop control structure. Syntax 1

Syntax for the FOR-EACH control structure:

FOR EACH Variable IN Expression 
NEXT Notes on the syntax

  • Repeats a sequence of statements as long as the (loop) variable is not empty.
  • The expression must be a reference to an enumerated object - such as an array or collection or a grid object. Example 1

In the project GBTT (GamBas-ToolTipps) all file paths of the files are stored in an array in which the search term was found. For control purposes, all saved file paths are then displayed in the console of the Gambas IDE for testing purposes:


' For control: 
  FOR EACH sDateiPfad IN aSuchDateiArray
    PRINT aSuchDateiArray[iCount] 
  NEXT Example 2

First, all output of the (console) command' df' is stored in the variable sResult. Then all lines of sResult are read from a temporary array (? split (sResult,“\n”). Finally, each line of the array with the scan command is divided into individual elements according to the predefined pattern and displayed as a separator with the pipe character that is freely selected here:

DIM sResult, sLine, sElement AS String 
SHELL "df" TO sResult 
FOR EACH sLine IN Split(sResult, "\n") 
  FOR EACH sElement IN Scan(sLine, "* * * * *") 
    PRINT sElement; "|"; 
  NEXT ' sElement 
NEXT ' sLine

Output in the console:

Dateisystem | 1K-Blöcke | Benutzt | Verfügbar | Verw% Eingehängt auf | 
/dev/sda6 | 50395844 | 9446400 | 38389444 | 20% / | 
udev | 4037712 | 4 | 4037708 | 1% /dev | 
tmpfs | 1618612 | 908 | 1617704 | 1% /run | 
none | 5120 | 0 | 5120 | 0% /run/lock | 
none | 4046524 | 156 | 4046368 | 1% /run/shm | 
/dev/sda7 | 218656644 | 53868032 | 153681492 | 26% /home | Example 3

Based on the working method of the gb. settings component (→ 19.1 Settings), a function is presented here which can reduce a collection in the way that only those (key, value) pairs are to be retained in which the key begins with a given string (prefix).

Private Function Constrain(cColl As Collection, sPrefix As String) As Collection
  Dim cConstr As New Collection
  Dim vValue As Variant
  For Each vValue In cColl
  ' Skip elements whose key does not begin with the desired prefix.
    If cColl.Key Not Begins sPrefix Then Continue
    cConstr[cColl.Key] = vValue
  Return cConstr

You can view the following source code as an application:

  Dim cColl As Collection = ["Kontext1/S1": "wert1", "Kontext1/S2": Pi, "Kontext2/S1": "wert2"]
  Dim vValue As Variant
  For Each vValue In Constrain(cColl, "Kontext1/")
    Print vValue

Output in a console:

3.14159265358979 Syntax 2

Here you can find the syntax for another form of the FOR-EACH control structure:

FOR EACH Expression 
NEXT Note on syntax 2

  • You use syntax 2 if there is an object that can be listed but is not a real container. The access to the current value in the enumeration is usually made via properties and methods of the listed object.
  • This case is present, for example, with a result of a database query (DB result). Examples of syntax 2

Example 1 refers to an SQLite3 table in an SQLite3 database where contacts are maintained. For example, for a program test, only the first name, last name, and location of all contacts are displayed in the IDE console, although all contact data has been requested in the SQL statement:

Public Sub btnShowContacts_Click()
  Dim sSQL_Anweisung As String
  DataSource1.Table = "kontakte"  
  MDataBase.rDBResult = Null
    sSQL_Anweisung = "SELECT * FROM " & DataSource1.Table  
    MDataBase.rDBResult = MDataBase.cDBVerbindung.Exec(sSQL_Anweisung)
  For Each MDataBase.rDBResult
   Print MDataBase.rDBResult!Vorname; " "; MDataBase.rDBResult!Nachname; " - "; MDataBase.rDBResult!Wohnort
End ' btnShowContacts_Click()

Information about the used! operator can be found in the second section of chapter '8.6 Special Operators'. The first name, last name and place of residence of all contacts are displayed formatted in the console:

Arno Adler - Aachen
Bruno Bär - Berlin
Heinz Hirsch - Hamburg
Willi Wiesel - Wiesbaden
Zora Zobel - Zornheim

Example 2

For example, you can store all keys used in a collection in an array:

Private Function CollectionKeys(cColl As Collection) As String[]
  Dim aResult As New String[]
  For Each cColl
  Return aResult

The Collection. key property is set to the key string of the current value when the collection is enumerated. Since the listed value (from the above syntax 1) is irrelevant for this operation, the second syntax is used here. A call to the following print statement:

Dim cColl As Collection = ["test": "wert1", "schluessel": "wert2"]
Print CollectionKeys(cColl).Join(", ")

… then displays:

test, schluessel


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