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29.3.3 Matrix class

The class Matrix (gb.gsl) implements a two-dimensional matrix with real or complex coefficients. Matrix

Here you can see the elements of a square matrix with complex coefficients:

B1 Properties

The Matrix class has three properties:

PropertyData typeDescription
HandlePointerReturns a pointer to the internal GSL matrix object.
HeightIntegerReturns a dimension (height = number of rows) of a matrix.
WidthIntegerReturns the other dimension (width = number of columns) of a matrix.

Table : Properties of the Matrix class Methods

The Matrix class has these methods:

MethodReturn typeDescription
Column ( iColumn As Integer )VectorReturns the column of a matrix selected via 'iColumn' as a vector.
SetColumn ( iColumn As Integer, vVector As Vector )-Fills the selected column 'iColumn' of a matrix with the elements of a vector 'vVector'.
Row ( iRow As Integer )VectorReturns the row of a matrix selected via 'iRow' as a vector.
SetRow ( iRow As Integer, vVector As Vector )-Fills the selected row 'iColumn' of a matrix with the elements of a vector 'vVector'.
Conj ( ) MatrixReturns the conjugate matrix for a given matrix.
Copy ( ) MatrixReturns a copy of a matrix.
Inv ( )MatrixReturns the inverted matrix for a given matrix.
Trans ( )MatrixReturns the transposed matrix to the given matrix.
Det ( )VariantReturns the determinant of a given square matrix.
ToString ( [ Local As Boolean ] )StringReturns the matrix as a string representation - depending on the 'Local' parameter.

Table : Methods of the Matrix class

Notes: Creating a matrix

There are different ways to create matrices:

Example A

Public mMatrix1 As Matrix

mMatrix1 = New Matrix(3, 3, True) '-- Columns, rows - complex coefficients (all zero)
mMatrix2 = [[1, 1.4, 7 + 2i], [2, 2, 2], [-1, -2i, -3]] ' Inline-Matrix

Dim Theta As Float = Pi / 2 '-- Radian measure of 90°
Dim A As Matrix = [[Cos(Theta), -Sin(Theta)], [Sin(Theta), Cos(Theta)]] 

Example B

Public mMatrix As Matrix

Private Sub CreateAndShowMatrix()

  mMatrix = New Matrix(5, 5, True) '-- columns, rows
  mMatrix.SetRow(0, [1, 1, 1, 7 + 2i, 8])
  mMatrix.SetRow(1, [2, 2, 2, 4, 5])
  mMatrix.SetRow(2, [1, 0, 3, 9, 5])
  mMatrix.SetRow(3, [1, 0.2, 4, 4, -3])
  mMatrix.SetRow(4, [-1, -2i, -3, 4, 5 + 1i]) '-- Attention: 5 + i --> 5+1i


Example C

Dim cMatrix As New Matrix
cMatrix = mMatrix.Copy() '-- Copy of the original matrix: mMatrix
lblValue.Text = cMatrix.ToString(False) '-- Display the elements of the matrix copy as a string

Example D

The static method Matrix.Identity also creates a new matrix:

Static Function Identity ( [ matColumn As Integer, matRow As Integer, Complex As Boolean ] ) As Matrix

Example 1:

Public mMatrix As Matrix
mMatrix = Matrix.Identity(3, 3, False) '-- Real coefficients
mMatrix = [[1, 1.4, 7], [2, 2, 2], [-1, -2.88, -3]]

Example 2:

Dim hMatrix As Matrix
hMatrix = Matrix.Identity(5, 3, True)
Print hMatrix.ToString(False)

The content of the generated matrix is displayed in the console of the IDE as a character string:

[[1,0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0,0]] Inserting and displaying matrix elements

In examples A and B, you have already learnt how to insert elements into a matrix. Another option utilises the fact that you can use the Matrix class like a read-write array whose elements can be read or set:

To set selected coefficients in a matrix:

Dim mMatrix As Matrix 
Dim vValue As Variant 
mMatrix [ iRow As Integer, iColumn As Integer ] = vValue '-- For array operations, first row, then column

mMatrix[3,5] = 23.5
mMatrix[4,1] = 5-3i

The elements of a matrix can be displayed row by row, column by column, as a single matrix element, as a character string or completely in a grid component.

Display of all matrix elements in a TableView:

Private Sub MatrixToTableView(aMatrix As Matrix)
  Dim i, j As Integer
  TableView1.Rows.Count =  aMatrix.Height
  For i = 0 To aMatrix.Height - 1
     For j = 0 To aMatrix.Width - 1
         TableView1[i, j].Text = aMatrix[i, j]
     Next '-- j
  Next '-- i   

This source code section demonstrates several of the above options for displaying matrix elements:

Private Sub ShowMatrixElements()  
  Dim iCount, z, s As Integer
'-- Display matrix and selected matrix elements
  Print "Display of the line vectors:\n"  
  For iCount = 1 To mMatrix.Height '-- Number of lines
    Print mMatrix.Row(icount - 1)
  Print "Display of the column vectors:\n"
  For iCount = 1 To mMatrix.Width '-- Number of columns
    Print mMatrix.Column(icount - 1)
  Print "Display of the matrix elements:\n"
  For z = 1 To mMatrix.Height   '-- Number of lines
    For s = 1 To mMatrix.Width  '-- Number of columns
      Print mMatrix[z - 1, s - 1],
  Print "Display of diagonal elements (special case):\n"
  Print mMatrix[0, 0],
  Print mMatrix[1, 1],
  Print mMatrix[2, 2],
  Print mMatrix[3, 3],
  Print mMatrix[4, 4]  
  Print "Display of the matrix elements in a string:\n"
  Print mMatrix.ToString(False)

This is the output in the console of the Gambas IDE:

Anzeige der Zeilen-Vektoren:
[1 1 1 7+2i 8]
[2 2 2 4 5]
[1 0 3 9 5]
[1 0,2 4 4 -3]
[-1 -2i -3 4 5+i]
Anzeige der Spalten-Vektoren:
[1 2 1 1 -1]
[1 2 0 0,2 -2i]
[1 2 3 4 -3]
[7+2i 4 9 4 4]
[8 5 5 -3 5+i]
Anzeige der Matrix-Elemente:
1	1	1	7+2i	8	
2	2	2	4	5	
1	0	3	9	5	
1	0,2	4	4	-3	
-1	-2i	-3	4	5+i	
Anzeige der Diagonal-Elemente (Sonderfall):
1	2	3	4	5+i
Anzeige der Matrix-Elemente in einem String:
[[1,1,1,7+2i,8],[2,2,2,4,5],[1,0,3,9,5],[1,0.2,4,4,-3],[-1,-2i,-3,4,5+1i]] Operations and relations

The following operations are explained for matrices: addition, subtraction, multiplication of 2 matrices, multiplication by a number and multiplication by a vector as a matrix-vector product. This special product is explained in more detail in the excursus below. The direct comparison and the test for inequality exist as relations between 2 matrices.

It is also possible to compare the string representations of matrices:

IF GetErrorVector(aArgumente).ToString(True) = "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" THEN ... Project

The following project implements all variants for creating a matrix and all properties and methods of the Matrix class have been used.


Figure Demonstration of working with matrices

The sufficiently commented source code for the project presented is given here in full:

' Gambas class file
Public mMatrix As New Matrix(5, 5, True)
Public Sub Form_Open()
  FMain.Resizable = False    
  btnMatrixCompare.Text = "Matrix comparison: Original " & String.Chr(8596) & " Modified copy"
Public Sub btnShowDimMatrix_Click()
  lblValue.Text = "Columns: " & mMatrix.Width & "     |     rows: " & mMatrix.Height
Public Sub btnMatrixInv_Click()
  Dim invMatrix As New Matrix(mMatrix.Width, mMatrix.Height, True)
  invMatrix = mMatrix.Inv()
Public Sub btnMatrixTrans_Click()
  Dim transMatrix As New Matrix(mMatrix.Width, mMatrix.Height, True)
  transMatrix = mMatrix.Trans()
Public Sub btnMatrixConj_Click()
  Dim conjMatrix As New Matrix(mMatrix.Width, mMatrix.Height, True)
  conjMatrix = mMatrix.Conj()
Public Sub btnMatrixDet_Click()
  If mMatrix.Height <> mMatrix.Width Then
     Message.Error("It is not possible to calculate the determinant!<br>The matrix is <b>not</b> quadratic.")
     lblValue.Text = "D  =  " & mMatrix.Det()
Public Sub btnMatrixMulVector_Click()
  Dim copyMatrix As New Matrix
  copyMatrix = mMatrix.Copy() ' Copy of the original matrix: mMatrix
  lblValue.Text = copyMatrix([1, 2, 0, 4, 3]).ToString(False)
Public Sub btnMatrixMulValue_Click()
  MatrixToTableView(3 * mMatrix)
Public Sub btnMatrixAddMatrix_Click()
  MatrixToTableView(mMatrix + mMatrix.Copy())
Public Sub btnMatrixCompare_Click()
  Dim cMatrix As Matrix
  cMatrix = mMatrix.Copy()
  cMatrix[1, 1] = 222 '-- A change to the copy
  If cMatrix = mMatrix Then
     lblValue.Text = "The matrices are equal."
     lblValue.Text = "The matrices are NOT the same!"
Public Sub btnReset_Click()  
  lblValue.Text = ""
Public Sub TableView1_Save(Row As Integer, Column As Integer, ValueEdit As String)  
  TableView1[Row, Column].Text = ValueEdit ' Change cell content of TableView
  If ValueEdit Not Match "[0-9][iI]" Then ValueEdit = Replace$(Replace$(ValueEdit, "i", "1i"), "I", "1I")
  mMatrix[Row, Column] = Eval(ValueEdit) ' Apply changes to matrix as well
Public Sub TableView1_Click()
Private Sub CreateAndShowMatrix()
  mMatrix = [[1, 1, 1, 7+2i, 8],[2, 2, 2, 4, 5],[1, 0, 3, 9, 5],[1, 0.2, 4, 4, -3], [-1, -2i, -3, 4, 5+1i]]
' Fill matrix with start values - alternative
  ' mMatrix.SetRow(0, [1, 1, 1, 7 + 2i, 8])
  ' mMatrix.SetRow(1, [2, 2, 2, 4, 5])
  ' mMatrix.SetRow(2, [1, 0, 3, 9, 5])
  ' mMatrix.SetRow(3, [1, 0.2, 4, 4, -3])
  ' mMatrix.SetRow(4, [-1, -2i, -3, 4, 5 + 1i]) ' Achtung: 5 + i --> 5+1i
' Display matrix elements in the TableView
Private Sub MatrixToTableView(aMatrix As Matrix)
  Dim i, j As Integer
  lblValue.Text = ""
  TableView1.Rows.Count = aMatrix.Height ' spinboxRows.Value
  For i = 0 To aMatrix.Height - 1
     For j = 0 To aMatrix.Width - 1
         TableView1[i, j].Text = aMatrix[i, j]
     Next '-- j
  Next '-- i   
Private Sub SetTableViewProperty()
  TableView1.AutoResize = True
  TableView1.Mode = Select.Single
  TableView1.Resizable = True      ' The column width can be changed with the mouse
  TableView1.AutoResize = True     ' The last column has the available (remaining) width
  TableView1.Background = &HF5FFE6 ' light green   
  TableView1.NoKeyboard = False    ' If TRUE, then arrow keys WITHOUT effect for navigating in grid columns
  TableView1.Rows.Count = mMatrix.Height
  TableView1.Columns.Count = mMatrix.Width
End Excursus

A binary clock is presented in chapter ' Example 3 - Clock with binary display':


Figure Clock with binary display

The rectangular arrangement of the bits can easily be mapped to a matrix as a data structure - as the following source code excerpt shows:

Public Function SetTimeMatrix() As Matrix 
  Dim iRow, iColumn As Integer 
  Dim sZeitHMS As String 
  Dim vTime As New Vector(6, False) 
  Dim mBitMatrix As New Matrix(6, 4, False) 
  sZeitHMS = Replace(Str(Time(Now())), ":", "") 
  For iRow = 1 To mBitMatrix.Height ' 6 
      vTime[iRow - 1] = Mid(sZeitHMS, iRow, 1) 
      For iColumn = 1 To mBitMatrix.Width ' 4 
          mBitMatrix[iRow - 1, iColumn - 1] = Mid(Str(Bin(vTime[iRow - 1], 4)), iColumn, 1) 
    Next '-- iColumn 
  Next '-- iRow 
  Return mBitMatrix 

The Matrix class can also be used like a function:

Function Matrix( vector As Vector ) As Vector 

The matrix is multiplied by a vector vector and returns a vector as the product:

Public Sub MatrixMulVector(aMatrix As Matrix, aVector As Vector)
  Dim vResult As Vector
  vResult = aMatrix(aVector)                        '-- Matrix vector product
  lblValue.Text = vResult.ToString(False)           '-- Display of the result vector as a string
' lblValue.Text = aMatrix(aVector).ToString(False)  '-- No use of the local variable vResult
Public Sub btnTest_Click()
  MatrixMulVector(mMatrix, [1, 2, 0, 4, 3])

The result vector with the matrix mMatrix from the above project is: [ 55+8i, 37, 52, 8.4, 30-1i ].

Here is an example in which vectors in the plane can be rotated by 90° using a (rotation) matrix-vector product:

Public Sub Main() 
  Dim Theta As Float = Pi / 2 ' Bogenmaß von 90° als reelle Zahl
  Dim A As Matrix = [[Cos(Theta), -Sin(Theta)], [Sin(Theta), Cos(Theta)]] 
'-- A is a so-called rotation matrix
'-- If a vector v is multiplied to A from the right, A rotates the vector by the angle Theta=Pi/2, i.e. 90°
'-- A(v) is the non-commutative matrix-vector product A*v.
  Print A([1, 0]) 
  Print A([0, 1]) 

Chapter & Projects
