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28.2.4 Password generator with random numbers

This chapter introduces you to a password generator PWG8 developed by the author and a password-protected programme that uses passwords from the password generator PWG8. The special feature is that you can encrypt plaintext passwords and decrypt pwg8-encrypted passwords. PWG8 password generator

The presented PWG8 password generator uses its own class with two methods EncodePW(sInput As String) and DecodePW(sInput As String). The strength of the entered password (plain text) is checked.

Figure Password generator PWG8

Here is a selection of encrypted passwords for the plaintext password '+gamBas3' :

If the plaintext password is not a strong password, then the criteria for a strong password are displayed:

Figure Hints for a strong password

Figure Decryption of an encrypted password

You can also use the password generator to decrypt a strong pwg8-encrypted password and display the plaintext.

The source code for the custom class PWG8 is shown in full, while from the main program only the procedure is given which carries the main load in the password generator.

Contents of the file PWG8.class:

' Gambas class file
' This class PWG8 provides 2 public methods that are needed to encode
' and decoding a password. It also provides a globalValid
' variable of type Boolean is provided for checking purposes. The class can be
' controlled from a user interface via its public interface.
' *** Private constants ***
' That's 4 sets of characters for the encrypted password.
' The only important thing is that they are disjunctive sets.
' This means that a character may only occur once in the 4 subsets.
' Character set:
Private Const sCharactersetGB As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ' 26 Characters
Private Const sCharactersetKB As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ' 26 Characters
Private Const sCharactersetN As String = "0123456789"                  ' 10 Characters
Private Const sCharactersetS As String = "@#+*!?"                      ' 6  Characters
' *** Public variables ***
Public password As String
' *** Constructor ***
Public Sub _new()
  Password = ""
End ' _new()
' *** Public method ***
Public Function EncodePW(sInput As String) As String ' <--- Encrypt
  Dim iCount, iPosition, kCount As Integer
  Dim longInteger As Long
  Dim sCharacter, sBitSequence8, sBitSequence2, sPasswordE As String
  Randomize ' <--- Initialisation with timestamp
  sPasswordE = ""
  For iCount = 1 To Len(sInput)
    sCharacter = Mid(sInput, iCount, 1)
    longInteger = Asc(sCharacter)
    sBitSequence8 = Bin(longInteger, 8)
    iPosition = 1
    For kCount = 1 To 4
      sBitSequence2 = Mid(sBitSequence8, iPosition, 2)
      Select Case sBitSequence2
      Case "00"
        sPasswordE = sPasswordE & Mid(sCharactersetGB, Int(Rnd(1, Len(sCharactersetGB) + 1)), 1)
      Case "01"
        sPasswordE = sPasswordE & Mid(sCharactersetKB, Int(Rnd(1, Len(sCharactersetKB) + 1)), 1)
      Case "10"
        sPasswordE = sPasswordE & Mid(sCharactersetN, Int(Rnd(1, Len(sCharactersetN) + 1)), 1)
      Case "11"
        sPasswordE = sPasswordE & Mid(sCharactersetS, Int(Rnd(1, Len(sCharactersetS) + 1)), 1)
      End Select
      iPosition = iPosition + 2
      sBitSequence2 = ""
    Next ' kCount
  Next ' iCount
  Return sPasswordE
End ' EncodePW <--- Encrypt
Public Function DecodePW(sInput As String) As String ' <--- Decrypt
  Dim iCount As Integer
  Dim sCharacter, sBitSequence8, sPasswordD As String
  sPasswordD = ""
  sBitSequence8 = ""
  For iCount = 1 To Len(sInput)
      sCharacter = Mid(sInput, iCount, 1)
      If InStr(sCharatersetGB, sCharater) > 0 Then sBitSequence8 = sBitSequence8 & "00"
      If InStr(sCharatersetKB, sCharater) > 0 Then sBitSequence8 = sBitSequence8 & "01"
      If InStr(sCharatersetN, sCharater) > 0 Then sBitSequence8 = sBitSequence8 & "10"
      If InStr(sCharatersetS, sCharater) > 0 Then sBitSequence8 = sBitSequence8 & "11"
      If iCount Mod 4 = 0 Then
         sPasswordD = sPasswordD & Chr(BitSequenceToDecimal(sBitSequence8))
         sBitSequence8 = ""
      Endif ' iCount MOD 4 = 0 ?
  Next ' iCount
  Return sPasswordD
End ' DecodePW <--- Decrypt
Property Read Valid As Integer
' A check is made to see if a strong password has been entered.
' *** Private method ***
Private Function Valid_Read() As Integer
  Dim iCount, iKB, IGB, iNUM, iSZ As Integer
  Dim sInput, sCharater, sCharaterset As String
  If Not Me.Password Then
     Return -1
     sInput = Me.Password
  Endif ' Not Me.Password ?
  For iCount = 1 To Len(sInput)
      sCharater = Mid(sInput, iCount, 1)
      sCharaterset = sCharatersetGB & sCharatersetKB & sCharatersetN & sCharatersetS
      If InStr(sCharaterset, sCharater) = 0 Then
         Return -2
      Endif '  Password with at least 1 illegal character ?
  Next ' iCount
  For iCount = 1 To Len(sInput)
      sCharater = Mid(sInput, iCount, 1)
      If InStr(sCharatersetKB, sCharater) <> 0 Then
         iKB = 1
      Endif ' Password with at least 1 lower case letter ?
  Next ' iCount
  For iCount = 1 To Len(sInput)
      sCharater = Mid(sInput, iCount, 1)
      If InStr(sCharatersetGB, sCharater) <> 0 Then
         iGB = 1
      Endif ' Password with at least 1 capital letter ?
  Next ' iCount
  For iCount = 1 To Len(sInput)
      sCharater = Mid(sInput, iCount, 1)
      If InStr(sCharactersetN, sCharacter) <> 0 Then
         iNUM = 1
      Endif ' Password with at least 1 digit ?
  Next ' iCount
  For iCount = 1 To Len(sInput)
      sCharacter = Mid(sInput, iCount, 1)
      If InStr(sCharactersetS, sCharacter) <> 0 Then
         iSZ = 1
      Endif ' Password with at least 1 special character ?
  Next ' iCount
  If iKB + iGB + iNUM + iSZ < 4 Then Return -3
  If Len(Me.Password) < 8 Then Return -4
  Return 0
End ' Valid_Read()
Private Function BitSequenceToDecimal(sInput As String) As Integer
  Dim iCount, iDecimal As Integer
  Dim sLocation As String
  For iCount = 0 To Len(sInput) - 1
      sLocation = Mid(sInput, Len(sInput) - iCount, 1)
      iDecimal = iDecimal + CInt(sLocation) * 2 ^ iCount
  Next ' iCount
  Return iDecimal
End ' BitSequenceToDecimal
This is the content of the file FMain.class:
Public Sub btnEncodeDecode_Click()
  MyPWG8.Password = txtPasswordInput.Text
  Select Case MyPWG8.Valid
    Case -1
      Message.Error("The input field is empty!")
    Case -2
      Message.Error("At least one character in the password is not allowed!")
    Case -3
      Message.Error("The password is NOT a strong password!")
    Case -4
      Message.Error("The password is too short!")
    Case Else ' 0 → Without error
      If chkPasswordDisplay.Value = True Then
         txtPasswordOutput.Password = False
         txtPasswordOutput.Password = True
      Endif ' chkPasswordDisplay.Value = True ?
      If optEncode.Value = True Then
         txtPasswordOutput.Text = MyPWG8.EncodePW(MyPWG8.Password)
         txtPasswordOutput.Text = MyPWG8.DecodePW(MyPWG8.Password)
      Endif ' optEncode.Value = True ?
  End Select ' MyPWG8.Valid
End ' btnDecodeEncode_Click()


The complete project and an application of the PWG8 password generator can be found in the download area.
