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24.9.2 DBus

The DBus (gb.dbus) class manages an application's connection to the session bus or the system bus and inherits from the _DBus virtual class. Properties

The DBus class has the following six properties:

PropertyData typeDescription
DebugBooleanIs True if debugging messages are output after DBus.Debug = True or sets the Boolean value.
NameStringThe name of the D-Bus application is set or returned. By default, the D-Bus name has the following syntax: org.gambas.<xxx>, where <xxx> is the value of the Application.Name property. Note: The D-Bus name is automatically normalised and adapted to the D-Bus specification.
ZeroObjectA special object is returned that represents the D-Bus value ZERO.
Session DBusConnectionIdentifies the connection between an application and the session bus of type DBusConnection.
SystemDBusConnectionIdentifies the connection between an application and the system bus of type DBusConnection.
UniqueBooleanIs True if an application is registered on the D-Bus with a unique ID or sets the Unique property. Please refer to the following notes.

Table : Properties of the DBus class

Notes on the DBus.Unique property:

In case you set the DBus.Unique property to True.

sDBusApplicationName  = org.gambas.projektname

However, for the alternative case DBus.Unique = False (which is the default value), it becomes.

sDBusApplicationName  = org.gambas.projektname-PID  ' PID = Process Identification Number

Since it is not necessarily known what the current value of DBus.Unique is for a D-Bus server to be used, for example, you can use the following function in the source code for a D-Bus client to determine the correct name of the server on the D-Bus:

Private Function GetDBusApplicationName(GBAppName As String) As String
  Dim aList As String[]
  Dim sElement  As String
  aList = DBus.Session.Applications.Sort(gb.Natural)
  For Each sElement In aList
    If sElement Begins "org.gambas." & GBApp.Name Then
       Return sElement
End Methods

The DBus class has four methods, which are specified and described in the following table:

IsRegistered ( Object As DBusObject )The boolean function returns True if the object passed as parameter is registered on the D-Bus.
Register ( Object As DBusObject, Path As String [ , Interfaces As String[] ] )Exports a DBus object to the D-Bus. For the parameters: Object is the D-Bus object to be exported, Path is the D-Bus path for the D-Bus object and Interface (optional) allows you to specify the names of additional interfaces implemented for the D-Bus object used. Details can be found in the documentation under DBusConnection.Register().
Unregister ( Object As DBusObject )Deregisters the DBus object passed in the parameter from the D-Bus and is the equivalent of DBus.Session.Unregister().
Raise ( Object As DBusObject, Signal As String [ , Arguments As Variant[] ] )

Table : Methods of the DBus class.


To determine whether a particular application is currently registered on the D-Bus, you can use the following source code when customising the application name:

If DBus.Session.Applications.Exist($sDBusName) Then

If necessary, you can unregister the objects exported by your Gambas program from the D-Bus again:

Public Sub Form_Close()

  If DBus.IsRegistered($hDBusObject) Then DBus.Session.Unregister($hDBusObject)


The answer to the question 'What is exported to the D-Bus?' depends on whether you use the optional argument Interfaces As String[] in the register method or not.

Register without interfaces:

As soon as you export at least one object, your application will be registered on the D-Bus under the name org.gambas.<applicationname>. For <application name> you can always use the Application.Name property.

All methods and properties whose name starts with an interface name specified in the interface argument - where the dots are replaced by underscores and followed by an additional underscore - are exported under this interface.

Registration with at least one interface:

In chapters and you will find two (server) projects that export objects to the D-Bus. Constants

The following four constants of the DBus class each represent a message type that can take one of the following integer values: Example - DBus[ ]

An object representing an application connected to the D-Bus is returned with DBus[…], because the class DBus is static and behaves like a (read-only) array:

Dim hDBusApplication As DBusApplication
hDBusApplication = DBus [ Application As String ]

The default value for the Application argument prefix is “session://”.


Dim hDBusApplication As DBusApplication

Dim hConnection As DBusConnection
hConnection = DBus.System
hDBusApplication = DBus["system://org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit"]
Dim hDBusApplication As DBusApplication

hDBusApplication = DBus["session://org.Cinnamon.LookingGlass"] oder
hDBusApplication = DBus["org.Cinnamon.LookingGlass"] Standard-Parameter 'session:\\' intern gesetzt