Table of Contents JSON and JSONCollection

On the website, the data format JSON is described thus: The JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON [ˈdʒeɪsən], is a compact data format in an easy-to-read text form for the purpose of exchanging data between applications. Any valid JSON document shall be a valid JavaScript and be able to be interpreted via eval(). […] Apart from that, however, JSON is independent of the programming language.

The class JSON (gb.web → gb.util.web) allows you to encode and decode in JSON format. JSON element and Gambas data type mapping

The following table describes the mapping between JSON elements and Gambas data types:

JSON syntaxJSON elementGambas data type
{ “string”: value , … } objectcollection
[ value, … ]ArrayVariant[ ]
“abc” StringUTF-8-String
-123.45E+6NumberInteger, Long or Float
true or falseTruth value (Boolean)Boolean
zeroZeroZERO or JSON.Zero

Table : Mapping table

Note that JSON syntax requires you to lowercase the values true, false and null in the JSON text. Class JSON

The JSON class has only one property and two methods: Class JSONCollection

The class JSONCollection (gb.web → gb.util.web) represents a JSON object.

The JSONCollection class has two properties:

CountIntegerReturns the number of elements stored in the JSON collection.
LengthIntegerSynonym for the property Count.
KeyStringReturns the key of the last read or enumerated element in a JSON collection.

Table : Properties of the class JSONCollection

The JSONCollection class has the following five methods:

Add ( Value As Variant, Key As String )Inserts an element as a value-key pair into a JSON collection.
Clear ( )Deletes the content of a JSON collection.
Copy ( )Returns a 1:1 copy of a JSON collection as a standalone object.
Exist ( Key As String ) As BooleanReturns True if a value exists in a JSON collection for the key passed as parameter 'Key'.
Remove ( Key As String )Deletes the element with the key passed as parameter 'Key' in a JSON collection.

Table : Methods of the class JSONCollection Example

In this example, data is converted to JSON format using the JSON.Decode(….) method:

[1]   Dim fRatio As Float, sJSONText As String, vArray As Variant[]
[2]   Dim cCollection As Collection, cJSONCollection As JSONCollection
[4]   cJSONCollection = New JSONCollection
[5]   cCollection = New Collection
[7]   fRatio = 0.1
[8]   cJSONCollection["Seite \"a\" "] = 688.7 * fRatio
[9]   cCollection[String.Chr(946)] = 43
[10]   cCollection[String.Chr(947)] = 2.039E1
[11]   cJSONCollection["Winkel"] = cCollection ' Alternative: cData.Add(cCollection, "Winkel")
[12]   cJSONCollection["Umfang Dreieck " & String.Chr(916) & " ABC"] = "?"
[13]   cJSONCollection["Widerstand in " & String.Chr(937)] = 2550
[14]   vArray = New Variant[]
[15]   vArray = ["", "gambas.sourceforge" & ".net"]
[16]   cJSONCollection["URLs"] = vArray
[17]   cJSONCollection["EMail"] = "wer@ist.da"
[18]   cJSONCollection["Datum"] = Format(Now(), "dd. mmmm yyyy")
[19]   cJSONCollection["Diplom"] = False
[20]   cJSONCollection["Master"] = JSON.Null
[22]   sJSONText = JSON.Encode(cJSONCollection)
[24]   Print sJSONText


This is how the JSON text presents itself in the console of the Gambas IDE:

{"Seite \"a\" ": 68.87, "Winkel": {"β": 43, "γ": 20.39}, "Umfang Dreieck Δ ABC": "?",
"Widerstand in Ω": 2550, "URLs": ["", ""],
"EMail": "wer@ist.da", "Datum": "17. April 2016", "Diplom": false, "Master": null}

If the JSON text is output formatted → Chapter Project formatter for JSON text, it is easier to read:

  "Seite "a" ": 68,87,
  "Winkel": {
    "β": 43,
    "γ": 20,39
  "Umfang Dreieck Δ ABC": "?",
  "Widerstand in Ω": 2550,
  "URLs": [
  "EMail": "wer@ist.da",
  "Datum": "17. April 2016",
  "Diplom": false,
  "Master": null

If one analyses the value data type of the elements in the JSON collection, then the following overview shows up:

Anzahl der Elemente in der JSON-Collection: 9
Schlüssel 1 : "Seite "a" " ---> Wert-Typ: Float
Schlüssel 2 : "Winkel" ---> Wert-Typ: JSONCollection
Schlüssel 3 : "Umfang Dreieck Δ ABC" ---> Wert-Typ: String
Schlüssel 4 : "Widerstand in Ω" ---> Wert-Typ: Integer
Schlüssel 5 : "URL" ---> Wert-Typ: Variant[]
Schlüssel 6 : "EMail" ---> Wert-Typ: String
Schlüssel 7 : "Datum" ---> Wert-Typ: String
Schlüssel 8 : "Diplom" ---> Wert-Typ: Boolean
Schlüssel 9 : "Master" ---> Wert-Typ: NULL oder JSON-Null

Note: In revision 7744 of Gambas3, a bug has been fixed in the JSONCollection class that did not correctly take the JSON.Null property.