24.6.3 Class Application

The Application (gb.web) class provides information about a CGI application. Properties

The Application class has six properties:

PropertyData typeDescription
RootStringGet the (root) path of the CGI application.
HostStringDetermines the current host.
PortStringGet the port specified in the URL request.
LogFileStringGet the path or set the path to the file to which the standard error output is redirected.
ProtocolStringGet the protocol or set the protocol used by the HTTP request.
RequestStringReturns the request submitted to the CGI application.

Table : Properties of the Application class.


You can also determine the value of the Application.Request property using CGI environment variables like this:

"http://" & CGI["HTTP_HOST"] &/ CGI["PATH_INFO"] &/ CGI["SCRIPT_NAME"] & "?" & CGI["QUERY_STRING"]