Table of Contents Project 3

In the third project `webapp3`, three web pages are created on the basis of the Webpage class, whose start page you can see here:


Figure Start page

All three web pages have the same layout. It consists of: Dynamic web pages

If you want to insert a new logo in the page header, for example, you must do this individually on each page. It is more effective if you save the header as a separate (webpage) file. For example as IncHeader.webpage and integrate the content of the file into the webpage Main.webpage using the include syntax «IncHeader» - described in chapter ' Webpage'.

If the page header is to be changed, it is sufficient to only change the IncHeader.webpage file accordingly in order to use the new page header for all web pages.

If you create web pages in this way on the web server - before delivering them to the web browser - using a (Gambas) programme, they are referred to as dynamic web pages. If these web pages contain references to JavaScript scripts or inline JavaScript, you can also change the content of web pages after they have been delivered to a web browser. Please note that the executable file *.gambas is executed on the web server, while JavaScript is executed in the client's web browser. Notes Template

In the field of web design, a template is a file or a collection of files that describe the layout and design of web pages of a website, but provide placeholders for additional content in addition to static text. The placeholders are dynamically replaced with content. Our concept uses HTML, the programming language Gambas and the scripting language JavasScript for these replacements and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for the design. The Webpage class offers very good prerequisites for the use of a template due to the syntax already described in chapter ' Webpage'.


Figure Structure of the Main.webpage webpage Paths for JavaScript scripts and CSS files

All files with data that should be exchangeable, such as JavaScript scripts or multimedia content or (optionally) SQLite databases, are stored within the project in the .public directory (or in subdirectories of .public).

Files stored there become part of the generated executable Gambas file *.gambas. Template file Main.webpage

The webpage Main.webpage is the most important file of the template, as it contains a Gambas block at the beginning for reading the language set in the web browser and the requested webpage and then the head area with a placeholder. This is followed by HTML with further placeholders for the layout areas header, navigation, content and footer:

    [1] <%
    [2] '-- Variable declaration must come before any HTML
    [3]     Dim sCurSite As String
    [4]     Dim aSiteList As New String[]
    [6] '-- The browser tells the server which language (locale) it is set to via Request.Language.
    [7]     System.Language = Request.Language '-- Example: de_DE.UTF8
    [8] '-- Insert a list to filter the pages
    [9]     aSiteList = Main.SiteList
    [11]     If Request.Query Then
    [12]        If aSiteList.Exist(Request.Query) Then
    [13]           sCurSite = Request.Query
    [14]        Endif
    [15]     Else
    [16]        sCurSite = aSiteList[0]
    [17]     Endif
    [18] %>
    [19] <!DOCTYPE html>
    [20] <html lang="de">
    [21]   <!-- BEGIN SITE-HEAD -->
    [22]   <head>
    [23]     <meta charset="UTF-8">
    [24]     <!-- Setting for display on mobile devices | MediaQueries -->
    [25]     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no">
    [26]     <!-- The description is used for display in search engines! -->
    [27]     <meta name="description" content="TEMPLATE: WEBPAGE GAMBAS HTML CSS JS">
    [28]     <!-- The title of the web page is displayed in the browser tab! -->
    [29]     <title><%=sCurSite%></title> <!--  < 30 Zeichen -->
    [30]     <!-- Reference to an icon. The favicon is displayed in the browser tab! -->
    [31]     <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="./favicon/favicon_blue_32.ico">
    [32]     <!-- Reference to a central CSS file in the /css folder -->
    [33]     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/style.css">
    [34]     <!-- Reference to a JavaScript file in the /js folder -->
    [35]     <script src="./js/set_time.js"></script>
    [36]   </head>
    [37]   <!-- END SITE-HEAD -->
    [38]   <body onload="JSTimer1();">
    [39]     <<IncHeader slogan="Webseiten mit Gambas-Webpage erzeugen">>
    [40]     <br>
    [41]     <<IncNavigation>>
    [42]     <br>
    [43]     <main>
    [44]       <<IncContent>>
    [45]     </main>
    [46]     <<IncFooter>>
    [47]   </body>
    [48] </html>

The Gambas class file main.class contains a list of the currently available websites, which is saved in the variable `SiteList`:

' Gambas class file

  Public SiteList As String[] = ["Start", "Umgebung", "Impressum"]

Comment Template file IncHeader.webpage

The webpage IncHeader.webpage contains, among other things, a placeholder for the slogan:

    [1] <!--BEGIN SITE-HEADER -->
    [2] <header class="site-header">
    [3]   <!-- Attention: The <header> element can be used several times on one page! -->
    [4]   <img class="site-logo" src="./icons/logo3_256x256.png" alt="Gambas-Logo">
    [5]   <p class="site-slogan"><%!slogan%></p>
    [6] </header>
    [7] <!-- END SITE-HEADER -->

The Gambas class file IncHeader.class is empty.

Comment Template file IncNavigation.webpage

The webpage IncNavigation.webpage contains placeholders for the individual menu entries, whereby the menu entry for the currently displayed website is formatted in a special way.

    [1] <%
    [2]   Dim aSiteList As New String[]
    [3]   Dim sCurSite, sLink, sNavItem As String
    [4]   Dim i As Integer
    [6]   aSiteList = Main.SiteList
    [8]   If Request.Query Then
    [9]      If aSiteList.Exist(Request.Query) Then
    [10]         sCurSite = Request.Query
    [11]      Endif
    [12]   Else
    [13]      sCurSite = aSiteList[0]
    [14]   Endif
    [15] %>
    [16] <!-- BEGIN SITE-NAVIGATION -->
    [17]   <nav class="site-nav">
    [18]     <!-- Switching with the Toogle button between horizontal and vertical menu at SCREEN < 600px -->
    [19]     <button class="menubutton" onclick="this.classList.toggle('showmenu')">Menü</button>
    [20]     <ul>
    [21]       <%
    [22]         For i = 0 To aSiteList.Max
    [23]           If aSiteList[i] = sCurSite Then
    [24]              sLink = Application.Root & "?" & sCurSite
    [25]              sNavItem = "<li class=" & Chr(34) & "site-current" & Chr(34) & "><a href=" & Chr(34) & sLink & Chr(34) & ">" & sCurSite & "</a></li>"
    [26]              Print sNavItem
    [27]           Else
    [28]              sLink = Application.Root & "?" & aSiteList[i]
    [29]              sNavItem = "<li><a href=" & Chr(34) & sLink & Chr(34) & ">" & aSiteList[i] & "</a></li>"
    [30]              Print sNavItem
    [31]           Endif
    [32]         Next
    [33]       %>
    [34]     </ul>
    [35]   </nav>
    [36] <!-- END SITE-NAVIGATION -->

The Gambas class file IncNavigation.class is empty.

Comment Template file IncContent.webpage

The webpage IncContent.webpage contains three placeholders that are replaced by the content of the Start, Environment or Imprint webpages, depending on the requested webpage.

    [2]   <%Select Request.Query
    [3]        Case "Umgebung"%>
    [4]        <<IncEnvironment>>
    [5]      <%Case "Impressum"%>
    [6]        <<IncImpressum>>
    [7]      <%Default%>
    [8]        <<IncHome>>
    [9]   <%End Select%>
    [10] <!-- END: INSERT CONTENT -->

The Gambas class file IncContent.class is empty.

Comment File IncHome.webpage

In the following three paragraphs, the HTML source code of the central content of the website (start, environment or imprint) is specified and only briefly commented on.

    [1] <h1>Willkommen</h1>
    [2]   <section>
    [3]     <figure>
    [4]       <!-- Image with size information and image caption  -->
    [5]       <img style="max-width: 100%; border-radius: 100%; height: auto;" src="./images/opa_256x256.png" alt="Company founder" width="160" height="160">
    [6]       <figcaption>Der Gründer der Firma Gambaflex</figcaption>
    [7]     </figure>
    [8]     <h3>Firmengeschichte</h3>
    [9]     <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et ... .</p>
    [10]     <h3>Der Neuanfang</h3>
    [11]     <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et ... .</p>
    [12]     <h3>Produktübersicht</h3>
    [13]     <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et ... . </p>
    [14]     <h3>Mit Elan in die Zukunft</h3>
    [15]     <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et ..., sed diam voluptua.</p>
    [16]   </section>

The Gambas class IncHome.class is empty.

Comment File IncEnvironment.webpage

The webpage IncEnvironment.webpage contains two placeholders. One for the version of the web server used, which is determined via the CGI environment variable CGI[“SERVER_SOFTWARE”] and another for the table to be inserted with the environment variables and their values:

    [1] <h1>Umgebungsvariablen des Webservers&nbsp;<%= Upper(CGI["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]) %></h1>
    [2] <!-- The function value of the Gambas function `InsertEnvTable()` is inserted with 'Print'.  -->
    [3] <% Print InsertEnvTable(); %>
    [4] <br>
    [1] ' Gambas class file
    [3] Public Function InsertEnvTable() As String
    [5]     Dim sEnv, sHTML As String
    [7]     sHTML &= "<table>"
    [8]     sHTML &= "<tr>"
    [9]     sHTML &= "<th>Umgebungsvariable</th>"
    [10]     sHTML &= "<th>Wert</th>"
    [11]     sHTML &= "</tr>"
    [12]       For Each sEnv In Env
    [13]         sHTML &= "<tr>"
    [14]         sHTML &= "<td>" & sEnv & "</td>"
    [15]         sHTML &= "<td>" & Env[sEnv] & "</td>"
    [16]         sHTML &= "</tr>"
    [17]       Next
    [18]     sHTML &= "</table>"
    [19]     sHTML &= gb.Lf
    [21] '-- Output of the complete HTML as HTML block
    [22]     Return sHTML
    [24] End

You already know the file content from section on the 'webapp2' project. File IncImpressum.webpage

An imprint should not be missing …

    [1] <h1>Imprint</h1>
    [3] <h3>Information according to §5 Telemediengesetz (TMG)</h3>
    [4] Bruno Bär<br>
    [5] Bodenstein-Strasse 122<br>
    [6] 10404 Berlin<br>
    [7] <br>
    [9] <h3>Availability</h3>
    [10] You can contact the administrator in a variety of ways:
    [11] <br>
    [12] <ul style="margin-left: 1rem; padding-top: 0.4rem;">
    [13]   <li>The e-mails via also transport larger attachments and are sent daily from.</li>
    [14]   <li>Write a letter to the above address.</li>
    [15]   <li>You call me: (0)15228817386!</li>
    [16] </ul>
    [17] <br>
    [19] <h3>Responsibility for the content according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV</h3>
    [20]   Bruno Bär<br>
    [21]   Bodenstein-Strasse 122<br>
    [22]   10404 Berlin<br>
    [23]   <br>
    [24]   <p>As a service provider, I am responsible for my own content on this website in accordance with §7 paragraph 1 TMG.</p>
    [26] <h3>Notes on copyright</h3>
    [27] <p>
    [28]   If terms protected by trademark law, protected (word and/or image) brands or protected product names are mentioned on this website, we expressly point out that the mention of these brands, names and terms here serves exclusively for the editorial description or identification of the products and/or manufacturers mentioned or the technologies and use described. All rights to the protected brand and/or product names mentioned in this online book are the property of the respective rights holders and are hereby expressly recognised. All brand names and trademarks mentioned in the articles of the individual chapters and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The naming of product names, products and/or the respective product manufacturers is for information purposes only and does not constitute advertising. If, contrary to our intention, the rights of third parties are nevertheless infringed, please notify me without charge.
    [29] </p>
    [31] <h3>Picture credits</h3>
    [32] <ol style="margin-left: 1rem; padding-top: 0.4rem;">
    [33]   <li>Favicon - B. Minisini - Freigabe liegt vor</li>
    [34]   <li>Component icons -</li>
    [35]   <li>Company founder (private)</li>
    [36] </ol>
    [38] <br>

The Gambas class file IncImpressum.class is empty.

Comment Template file IncFooter.webpage

The webpage IncFooter.webpage only contains a placeholder in line 6 for displaying the function value of the JavaScript function `JSTimer1()`:

    [1] <!--BEGIN SITE-FOOTER -->
    [2] <footer class="site-footer">
    [3]   <p style="display:inline; padding: 0 0 0 1rem;">
    [4]     <img src="./icons/clock_white_510.svg" alt="CurrentTime" width="16" height="16">
    [5]   </p>
    [6]   <p id="set_time"></p>
    [7]   <p>
    [8]     <a href="#top">
    [9]       <img src="./icons/top_white.314.svg" alt="ToTop" width="16" height="16">
    [10]     </a>
    [11]   </p>
    [12] </footer>
    [13] <!--END SITE-FOOTER -->

The Gambas class file IncFooter.class is empty.

Comment CSS

The complete CSS for project 3 is located in the project folder ./css in several CSS files to be maintained individually, which are integrated into a (master) CSS file style.css:

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  File name: style.css

  The CSS file style.css is included in every HTML page:
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=".hiden/css/style.css">

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

  @import url("basis.css");
  @import url("header.css");
  @import url("navigation.css");
  @import url("footer.css");
  @import url("table.css");
  @import url("multimedia.css");

It would go too far at this point to describe the individual CSS instructions in detail.

However, it is a good idea to take a closer look at the content of the CSS files and then take a look at how they are displayed in the web browser, as shown here for the header:

File name: header.css

.site-header {background-color: steelblue; border-radius: 12px 12px 0px 0px; padding: 1rem;}
.site-logo {margin-bottom: 0; width: 80px;}
.site-slogan {margin: 0; color: white; font-size: 1.3rem; text-align: left;}


Figure Page header Compiling the webpage project

You can freely choose the name of the executable Gambas file *.gambas. The author always uses the name index.gambas for the web server programme. Displaying the web pages in the IDE

The embedded HTTP server is also used in the 'webapp3' project to view the web pages output by the HTTP server in the system's (standard) web browser.



Figure Display of the website's environment page Transferring the web application to the local web server

The web pages of project 3 were developed by the author on his workstation computer. The Lighttpd web server was also installed and configured on this computer. As the web pages are also to be accessed on the intranet, we looked for a way to copy the executable Gambas file index.gambas as a web server programme and the required resource files to the web folder '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/webapp3' on the workstation computer. The following bash script offers a good solution:

# -- Definition of colour values in the terminal
RE="\033[0;31m"                 # red
GR="\033[0;32m"                 # green
BL="\033[0;34m"                 # blue
REB="\033[1;31m"                # red bold
GRB="\033[1;32m"                # green bold
BLB="\033[1;34m"                # blue bold
FGB="\033[1m\033[42m\033[37m"   # bold + withe + green background
NO="\033[0m"                    # normal

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
   echo "ERROR! The parameter string is an empty string."
   exit 99

echo "WEBSERVER = ${webserver}"

echo "TARGET-BASIC-PATH = ${target_basic_path}"

echo "PWD = ${pwd}"

echo "TARGET-SITE-PATH = ${target_site_path}"

#IP address of the local (web) server
echo "IP-ADDRESS = ${ipaddress}"

echo "SOURCE-PATH = ${source_path}"

output=$(ping -c 1  ${ipaddress})


if [[ ${output} =~ ${substring} ]]; then
   echo -e "${BLB}» The web server on the intranet with the IP address '${ipaddress}' can be reached.${NO}"
 #  echo
   echo -e "${REB}» ERROR\n» The web server in the intranet with the IP address '${ipaddress}' is not accessible!${NO}"
   exit 99


echo ${pass} | sudo -S mkdir ${target_site_path} 2>/dev/null
echo ${pass} | sudo -S chmod 777 ${target_site_path}

echo -e "${BLB}» The directories and files are copied ...${NO}"

echo ${pass} | sudo -S cp ${source_path}/index.gambas ${target_site_path}

cd ${source_path}/.public/css
find . -print | cpio -pdmu ${target_site_path}/css

cd ${source_path}/.public/favicon
find . -print | cpio -pdmu ${target_site_path}/favicon

cd ${source_path}/.public/icons
find . -print | cpio -pdmu ${target_site_path}/icons

cd ${source_path}/.public/images
find . -print | cpio -pdmu ${target_site_path}/images

cd ${source_path}/.public/js
find . -print | cpio -pdmu ${target_site_path}/js

echo ${pass} | sudo -S chmod 755 ${target_site_path}


echo -e "${REB}Continue with <ENTER>${NO}"
read e

The bash script is called by the author in the project folder in a console:

hans@pc-a-mint20:~/GB3BUCH/24K_NetzwerkN/$ ./ <user.passwort>

Output in the console:

WEBSERVER = lighttpd
TARGET-BASIC-PATH = /usr/lib/cgi-bin
PWD = webapp3
TARGET-SITE-PATH = /usr/lib/cgi-bin/webapp3
SOURCE-PATH = /home/hans/GB3BUCH/24K_NetzwerkN/

» The web server on the intranet with the IP address '' can be reached.
» The directories and files are copied ...

19 Blöcke
11 Blöcke
87 Blöcke
2268 Blöcke
203 Blöcke

Continue with <ENTER>

hans@pc-a-mint20:~/GB3BUCH/24K_NetzwerkN/$ Calling up the web pages

You can then call up the web pages on the intranet from the web server and display them in your web browser:

If the screen width slips below a specified value - the value is in the CSS file navigation.css - then only a menu button is automatically displayed instead of the horizontal menu:


Figure Menu button (hamburger menu)

from which you can also call up the individual web pages:


Figure Open menu Excursus CSS

Corporate identity - or CI - refers to all the features that a software developer can use to create their own identity. In this case, the aim of corporate identity is to create software with a high recognition value.

On the page you will find the basic colour and its lighter and darker shades, which are the specifications for all of the author's websites. Much more interesting is a look under at colour palettes, which always contain several matching colours!


Figure Colour concept as part of the 'corporate identity'


