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22.9.1 ODBC driver for the DBMS PostgreSQL Installation

The special ODBC driver 'odbc-postgresql' for the DBMS PostgreSQL can be installed via the application management. Alternatively, enter the following line in a terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install odbc-postgresql

This will show you which ODBC drivers have already been installed:

$ find /usr/lib -name '*odbc*.so'
/usr/lib/gambas3/                    →	  Gambas-ODBC-Driver
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/       →  PostgreSQL-ODBC-Driver
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/    →  PostgreSQL-ODBC-Driver
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/       →  PostgreSQL-ODBC-Driver
... Configuration

The special ODBC drivers are always configured in the system-wide file with the path /etc/odbcinst.ini.

After installing the ODBC driver 'odbc-postgresql' for the DBMS PostgreSQL, an automatically generated configuration file /etc/odbcinst.ini with the following content already exists:

[PostgreSQL ANSI]
Description=PostgreSQL ODBC driver (ANSI version)
[PostgreSQL Unicode]
Description=PostgreSQL ODBC driver (Unicode version)

The names of the ODBC drivers are in the square brackets and are required when configuring the data source name (DataSourceName). Configuration of a data source name (DataSourceName (DSN))

A data source name (DSN) is configured in the system-wide file /etc/odbcinst.ini or locally in the file /etc/odbc.ini.

In our case, we configure the data source name in the .odbc.ini file in the home directory of the logged-in system user with local reference. Alternatively, you can use the file /etc/odbc.ini for a system-wide data source name. You can freely define the name. However, it may only appear once in the configuration file. In the following configuration, 'dsn_pg_postgres' is used for the DBMS PostgreSQL and the database 'postgres'.

You can reference the ODBC driver `PostgreSQL Unicode` from the file /etc/odbcinst.ini in the hidden configuration file ~/.odbc.ini as follows:

Description 	= PostgreSQL UTF8 DB `postgres`
Driver		= PostgreSQL Unicode
ServerName	= localhost
Port		= 5432
User		= postgres
Password	= *PASSWORT*
Database	= postgres
ReadOnly	= No

You can use the odbcinst console programme to inspect the ODBC drivers. The options -q and -d list the names of all (special) ODBC drivers that have registered with unixODBC so far:

$ odbcinst -d -q
[PostgreSQL ANSI]
[PostgreSQL Unicode]

The odbcinst -q -s command, on the other hand, lists all ODBC data source names (DSN) that you have defined in the local configuration file ~/.odbc.ini, for example:

hans@mint20:~$ odbcinst -q -s
[dsn_pg_postgres] Testing the ODBC configuration - PostgreSQL

Before the ODBC configuration can be tested for the first time, you should check the following prerequisites:

A good choice for a simple odbc-capable programme is the console programme `isql`, which was installed automatically when UnixODBC was installed.

The syntax: isql <DSN> <DB_User> [<DB_User_Password> ] is simple, whereby the password is optional and depends on the DSN definition.

For the test, the (system) database `postgres` was entered in the configuration file ~/.odbc.ini, but this is not used. Instead, only the version of PostgreSQL is queried. Knowing the version is of secondary importance here, because the test was only about successfully connecting to a PostgreSQL database via the obdc-capable client programme isql:

hans@mint20:~$ isql -m47 dsn_pg_postgres postgres
| Connected!                            |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
SQL> SELECT version();
| version                                        |
| PostgreSQL 12.6 (Ubuntu 12.6-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) |
SQLRowCount returns 1
1 rows fetched
SQL> quit

Conclusion: The test was successful!