22.4.7 Class Field (gb.db)

The class represents a DB field in an (existing) DB table. You cannot create the class. All properties can only be read. The class has neither methods nor events. Properties

The Field class has the following five properties:

PropertyData typeDescription
CollationStringProvides information on the sorting of the DB field.
NameStringDelivers the name of the DB field.
TableTableDelivers the table object that contains this DB field.
TypeIntegerDelivers the type of a DB field. One of the following constants for the field data type is returned: db.Blob (-2), db.Boolean (1), db.Date (8), db.Float (7), db.Integer (4), db.Long (5), db.Serial (-1) and db.String (9).
LengthIntegerReturns the maximum length of a field. This only applies to text fields. You can determine the type of a DB field via the `Field.Type` property. If no limit has been specified for the DB text field, 0 is returned.

Table : Properties of the Field class


    Dim hCollection As Collection
    Dim hTable As Table, hField As Field
    hCollection = ["-2": "db.Blob", "-1": "db.Serial", "1": "db.Boolean", "4": "db.Integer", "5": "db.Long", "7": "db.Float", "8": "db.Date", "9": "db.String"]
    If DBCS.DBConnection.Tables.Exist("members") Then
   '-- The existing DB table `members` becomes the current DB table  
       hTable = DBCS.DBConnection.Tables["members"]
       Print "DBTableName: "; hTable.Name
       Print "---------------------------------------"
       For Each hField In hTable.Fields
           Print "DBField-Name: "; hField.Name
           Print "--------------------------------------"
           Print "DBField-Collation: "; IIf(hField.Collation = Null, " Not specified", hField.Collation)
           Print "DBField-Standardwert: "; IIf(hField.Default = Null, " Not specified", hField.Default)
           Print "DBField-Typ: "; hCollection[hField.Type]
           If hField.Type = db.String Then 
              If hField.Length = 0 Then 
                 Print "DBField length: No limit specified."
                 Print "DBField length: "; hField.Length

This output is in the console of the IDE:

DBTableName: members

DBField-Name: m_id
DBField-Collation:  Not specified
DBField-Standard-Value:  Not specified
DBField-Type: db.Serial

DBField-Name: lastname
DBField-Collation:  Not specified
DBField-Standard-Value:  Not specified
DBField-Type: db.String
DBField length: No limit specified

DBField-Name: date
DBField-Collation:  Not specified
DBField-Standard-Value:  Not specified
DBField-Type: db.Date

DBField-Name: description
DBField-Collation:  Not specified
DBField-Standard-Value:  Not specified
DBField-Type: db.String
DBField length: No limit specified