Table of Contents

16.14.1 Project - Find and replace text in a TextArea

Finding and replacing text is also very good in a TextArea with regular expressions. See Chapter Finding and replacing strings in a text for more information.

In this chapter, however, the emphasis was put on working with methods and properties of the TextArea class in the presented project when searching for and replacing text.

Figure Searching for text in a TextArea Project - Source code

The source text is completely specified and then commented on:

[1] ' Gambas class file
[3] Private $iPos As Integer
[5] Public Sub Form_Open()
[6]   Dim sMimeTypeCharSet, sCharSet, sMime As String 
[7]   Dim sFilePath As String
[9]   FMain.Center
[10]   btnNextSearch.Tooltip = ("Suchen")
[11]   btnReplace.Tooltip = ("Ersetzen")
[13]   txaArea.Background = &HF5FFE6& ' Text-Hintergrund-Farbe: hellgrün
[14]   txaArea.Foreground = Color.RGB(0, 0, 0) ' Schrift-Farbe: schwarz
[15]   txaArea.Font = Font["Monospace, 10"] ' dicktengleiche Schrift
[16] ' Print txaArea.Font.ToString()
[18]   ' Dialog.Title = "Wählen Sie eine Text-Datei aus!"
[19]   ' Dialog.Filter = ["*.ini", "INI-Dateien", "*.txt", "Text-Dateien", "*", "Alle Dateien"]
[20]   ' Dialog.Path = "/etc/odbcinst.ini"
[21]   ' If Dialog.OpenFile() Then Return
[22]   ' sFilePath = Dialog.Path
[24]   sFilePath = Application.Path &/ "odbcinst.ini" ' Beispiel-Textdatei im Projekt-Verzeichnis
[26]   Exec ["file", "-bi", sFilePath] To sMimeTypeCharSet ' Ermittlung MimeTyp und Zeichensatz 
[27]   Wait
[28] ' Print sMimeTypeCharSet
[29] ' sMime = Split(sMimeTypeCharSet, ";")[0]
[30] ' Print "Mime-Typ = "; Trim(sMime)  
[31]   sCharSet = Trim(Split(Split(sMimeTypeCharSet, ";")[1], "=")[1])
[32] ' Print "CharSet  = "; Trim(sCharSet)
[34]   If sCharSet <> "utf-8" Then
[35]      Try txaArea.Text = Conv(File.Load(sFilePath), sCharSet, "UTF-8")
[36]   Else
[37]      txaArea.Text = File.Load(sFilePath) 
[38]   Endif
[40]   txaArea.Pos = 0
[42] End ' Form_Open()
[44] Public Sub txbSearch_Click()
[45]   txbSearch.Text = txaArea.Selection.Text ' Markierter Text = Suchtext
[46] End
[48] Public Sub txbSearch_Change()
[49]   $iPos = -1 ' Ab Text-Anfang suchen
[50] End
[52] Public Sub btnReplace_Click()
[53]   ReplaceText()
[54] End
[56] Public Sub btnNextSearch_Click()
[57]   If Not txbSearch.Text Then
[58]      Message.Warning(("Es fehlt der Suchtext!"))
[59]      txbSearch.SetFocus
[60]      Return
[61]   Endif
[62]   txaArea.Unselect
[63]   SearchText()
[64] End
[66] '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[68] Private Sub SearchText()
[69]   Dim iPos As Integer
[71]   iPos = String.InStr(txaArea.Text, txbSearch.Text, $iPos + 2)
[72]   $iPos = iPos - 1  
[73]   If Not iPos Then
[74]     Message(("Suchtext nicht gefunden!"))
[75]     txaArea.SetFocus
[76]     txaArea.Pos = 0
[77]     Return
[78]   Endif
[79]   txaArea.Select($iPos, String.Len(txbSearch.Text)) ' Markierung einer Fundstelle im Text
[81] End ' SearchText(...)
[83] Private Sub ReplaceText()
[84]   Dim iPos As Integer
[85]   Dim bNotReplaced As Boolean = True
[87]   If Not txbSearch.Text Then
[88]      Message.Warning(("Es fehlt der Suchtext!"))
[89]      Return
[90]   Endif
[91]   If Not txbReplace.Text Then
[92]      Message.Warning(("Es fehlt der Ersetzungstext!"))
[93]      txbReplace.SetFocus
[94]      Return
[95]   Endif
[96]   While String.InStr(txaArea.Text, txbSearch.Text)
[97]     txaArea.Text = Replace(txaArea.Text, txbSearch.Text, txbReplace.Text)
[98]     bNotReplaced = Not bNotReplaced
[99]   Wend
[101]   iPos = String.InStr(txaArea.Text, txbReplace.Text, 0)
[102]   If Not iPos And bNotReplaced Then
[103]      Message(("Es wurde NICHTS ersetzt!"))
[104]      Return
[105]   Endif
[107]   txaArea.Select(iPos - 1, String.Len(txbReplace.Text))
[109] End ' ReplaceText()

