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10.5.9 Application.Busy

Using the value of the property Application.Busy of the class Application (gb. qt4), you change the 'Busy state' of an application. Notes

Apply a button to a form in an example project and include the following source code as an event handler to see the effect of using the Application.Busy property:

Public Sub btnSetBusy_Click()
  Dim iCount As Integer
    Inc Application.Busy ' Alternative: Application.Busy = 1
        For iCount = 1 To 40000
            Print Sqr(iCount + Pi(0.533))
        Next ' iCount 
    Dec Application.Busy ' Application.Busy = 0
    Message.Info("That's all it was..")
End Examples

The examples serve to demonstrate the use of the control element Application. Busy in different applications.

Example 1

In an application for installing gambas via SVN, the local version number on the PC is first queried and then the number of the current revision on the SVN server. For this query, the program will use the mouse pointer to indicate the “Binary busy state” and will not respond to user input. If an error occurs, it is intercepted, an error message is issued and the program is released again with' Dec Application. Busy'. The release is also carried out if the revision number could be determined without errors.

Public Sub btnUpdateStart_Click()
  Dim sResult, sMessage As String
  Dim iTimeOut As Integer
  ' ...
  Inc Application.Busy ' Mouse.Wait
       Shell "cd " & sSVNPfad & "; svn info -r HEAD | awk '$1 ~ /^Revision:$/ {print $2;}'" To sResult
       Inc iTimeOut
    Until (sResult <> Null Or iTimeOut > 9)  
    Try iSVNCurrentRevision = Val(sResult)
    If Error Then
       Message.Error("The SVN server is currently unavailable!")
       Dec Application.Busy     
    Endif ' ERROR ?
  Dec Application.Busy ' Mouse.Default
End ' btnUpdateStart_Click()


Figure The queries were successful

Example 2

A print program does not accept any more entries in the time in which it is printed:

Public Sub btnPrintImage_Click() 
  If printerImage.Configure() Then Return 
  Me.Enabled = False          ' The form is deactivated 
     Application.Busy = 1     ' The program does not accept any more entries..
         printerImage.Print   ' The print job is started..
     Application.Busy = 0     ' The program accepts input again.. 
  Me.Enabled = True           ' The form is reactivated 
End ' btnPrintImage_Click()

Example 3

As a sub-process for the installation of a program (update) from existing packages, the statement /configure -C is executed, which analyzes the system, configures the packages and generates the makefile. The main program ignores all entries for the runtime of the subprocess:

Public Sub btnConfigureUpdate_Click() 
  Inc Application.Busy 
    sShellCommand = "echo 'CONFIGURE';echo '---------------------------';" 
    sShellCommand &= " cd " & sSVNPfad & ";./configure -C" 
    GoToTerminal(GetTerminalList()[0], sShellCommand) 
    btnMakeUpdate.Enabled = True 
  Dec Application.Busy 

Example 4

For the Watcher class demonstration program (→ chapter 20.10 Watcher) the monitored events should be handled and documented with messages in separate windows. The following source code extract from the testing phase for the project caused not only errors, but also a program crash, because the constant change (move or resize) caused message windows to be generated:

Public Sub wWatcher_Resize()  
  Message.Info(("The main window " & wWatcherObject1.Control.Name & " has changed its size!")) 
  Stop Event 
Public Sub wWatcher_Move() 
  Message.Info(("The main window " & wWatcherObject1.Control.Name & " has changed position!")) 
  Stop Event  

The thoughts and approaches to the solution:

Here is the corrected section of the source code:

Private sControlName As String
' ...
sControlName = "'" & wWatcherObject1.Control.Name & "'"
' ...
Public Sub wWatcher_Resize()  
  Application.Busy = 1
   If Application.Busy = 1 Then Message.Info("The window " & sControlName & " has changed its size!")
  Application.Busy = 0
  Stop Event
Public Sub wWatcher_Move()
  Inc Application.Busy
   If Application.Busy = 1 Then Message.Info("Das Fenster " & sControlName & " has changed position!")
  Dec Application.Busy
  Stop Event  
