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10.5.1 Return

The statement Return or Return[ expression] terminates a procedure or function as a control element. Notes Examples

The examples are intended to demonstrate the use of the control element Return or Return[ Expression] in different applications.

Example 1

The classic example of a function such as y = f(x) = x² - 3 - as a definite mapping - is certainly still familiar to you from your school days:

Public Function f(x AS Float) AS Float        
    RETURN (x * x) - 3    

with the call in another procedure:

Public Sub Calculate()
  Dim y as Float
  y = f(-5.66)

Example 2

The function IsIntegerRange(..) returns either True or False as a function value, depending on the argument iPSum:

Private Function IsIntegerRange(iPSumme As Integer) As Boolean 
  If iPSumme > 2147483647 OR If iPSumme < 0 Then 
     Return False 
     Return True 
End ' IsIntegerRange(...)

Example 3

The procedure CheckInput(..) can be used whenever only characters from a given input alphabet are accepted for an input component:

Public Sub txbInputPolynom1_KeyPress() 
Public Sub CheckInput(sAllowed As String) 
  Select Case Key.Code 
    Case Key.Left, Key.Right, Key.BackSpace, Key.Delete, Key.End, Key.Home, Key.Enter, Key.Return 
      If Key.Text And If InStr(sAllowed, Key.Text) Then 
  End Select 
  Stop Event 

With selected keys and characters from the input alphabet, the procedure CheckInput (..) is aborted! Via' Stop Event' all invalid characters and keystrokes are ignored.

Example 4

In the following section of the source code, the procedure is terminated if an error occurred when creating the directory with the specified path because the existence of the folder is obviously a mandatory prerequisite for program execution:

Public Sub MyProzedur()
  If Not Exist(sSVNPfad) Then 
     Try Mkdir sSVNPfad 
     If Error = True Then 
        Message.Error("Error creating the folder" & sSVNPfad) 
     Endif ' Error = True? 
  Endif ' Not Exist(SVNPfad?

Example 5

As a function value, an output list is returned as a string array after removing all elements that occur more than once in the input list (string array) passed as an argument:

Public Function RemoveMultiple(aInputList As String[]) As String[]
  Dim iCount As Integer
  Dim iIndex As Integer
  Dim sElement As String
  Dim aOutputList As String[]
  aOutputList = aInputList
  iIndex = 0
  While iIndex < aOutputList.Count
  iCount = 0
    sElement = aOutputList[iIndex]
    While aOutputList.Find(sElement) <> -1
      Inc iCount
    If iCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
       aOutputList.Add(sElement, iIndex)
       Inc iIndex
  Return aOutputList
End ' RemoveMultiple(...)

Example 6

This example demonstrates the case that no return value is specified in a function after Return, but the default value (→ Notes) is automatically returned:

Public Function ComputeGGT(x As Integer, y As Integer) As GGT 
' For (0,0) is the GGT not defined -> return NULL
  If x = 0 And If y = 0 Then 
    Return ' Return NULL as default value for objects
' Otherwise execute Euclidean algorithm 
  Return hGGT ' With hGGT as a generated GGT object 
End ' ComputeGGT(..)

You could have written 'Return NULL' in the fourth line - but 'Return' would be sufficient in this case.
